Alex - 2014-01-23


I'm working since more then one yar with Meshlab, but now I'm comming to the borders of my time. The program is computing the simplification of a 32.000.000 Mesh for 2 days until now (it's still not finished). 12.000.000 I'm normally getting within some hours. My RAM is of course completly full (16GB) but the CPU is only running on 2-6% (2 Quad each 3Ghz). My graphics Card is a NVIDIA GTX650 1Gb. And I'm processing the files from a fast SSD.

So what can I do to faster the processing of Point clouds and meshes? I mean more RAM (there I would Need unfort. a new Mainboard, but okay...) or a better graphic Card? (Im not sure, but I read somewhere that These kinds of processing is not connected to the Cards) - for example would a NVIDIA Quad Series help or a "normal" GTX? Maybe in Connection with a Tesla? Or what else?
Or in gerneral how can I faster the process? The Money issue is at this Point secondary.

Please help or share your experiences :)

Alex :)


Last edit: Alex 2014-01-23