
Meshlabserver filter reference won't export.

  • Nik Willmore

    Nik Willmore - 2017-10-05

    Windows 10, 64 bit, fresh Meshlab installation, the manual for filters is hiding in the program itself, so I can't read it, as the:

    meshlabserver -d Filters.txt

    command crashes Meshlabserver with:

    Loading Plugins:
    Current Plugins Dir is: C:/Program Files/MeshLab/plugins
    Total 241 filtering actions
    Total 12 io plugins
    called here!

    It also seems very odd that it can output a filters log file (blank text file at first), but that it wan't me to create my own blank text file to open and write to?! I did that and that's when the crash happens instead a file not found error. I made the tile with Notepad and then closed Notepad. The crash spits out a Windows error box about Meshlabserver has stopped working. I tried moving Filters.txt out of the Meshlab folder onto my C: drive and it didn't help, so is unlikely a permissions thing, nor did running Cmd.exe as Administrator help. Whether the GUI program was running or not didn't matter.

    The -d flag is described rather oddly too:

    "-d filename dump on a text file a list of all the filtering functions"

    Dump on?! Why not normal English descriptions of commands and why not just spit out a text file instead of need to open an existing one? Better yet, why not just generate the text file and include it in the directory for me to read? This is very disappointing after being so excited about good triangular remeshing being callable from Python so easily.

    When the Windows crash error happens I was able to assign Visual Studio as my debugger and it gave this error:

    Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFB64F58378 (filter_layer.dll) in meshlabserver.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000000000A8.

    I can use the -i flag to successfully load an STL file.

    Could someone just post the manual here?

  • Nik Willmore

    Nik Willmore - 2017-10-05

    Next, if I create and export a two step script in the GUI, to do Iso Parameterization remeshing, a script that runs fine in the GUI., meshlabserver.exe fails with a memory error on my 24GB PC opening a 566KB mesh file. It doesn't matter if the GUI is running or not either.

    C:\Program Files\MeshLab>meshlabserver -i Torus.stl -o TorusOUT.stl -s Iso_Nik.mlx
    Loading Plugins:
    Current Plugins Dir is: C:/Program Files/MeshLab/plugins
    Total 241 filtering actions
    Total 12 io plugins
    Opening a file with extention stl
    Mesh C:/Program Files/MeshLab/Torus.stl loaded has 34764 vn 11588 fn
    output mesh C:/Program Files/MeshLab/TorusOUT.stl
    Apply FilterScript: 'C:/Program Files/MeshLab/Iso_Nik.mlx'
    Reading filter with name Iso Parametrization: Main
    Reading Param with name targetAbstractMinFaceNum : RichInt
    Reading Param with name targetAbstractMaxFaceNum : RichInt
    Reading Param with name stopCriteria : RichEnum
    Reading Param with name convergenceSpeed : RichInt
    Reading Param with name DoubleStep : RichBool
    Reading Param with name AbsLoadName : RichString
    Reading Param with name AbsSaveName : RichString
    Reading filter with name Iso Parametrization Remeshing
    Reading Param with name SamplingRate : RichInt
    Starting Script of 2 actionsfilter: Iso Parametrization: Main
    no additional memory available!!! memory required: 973392
    Problem with filter: Iso Parametrization: Main
    Failed to apply script file C:/Program Files/MeshLab/Iso_Nik.mlx

    The error is similar with the beta version of Meshlab, but the memory error is gone:

    Starting Script of 2 actionsfilter: Iso Parametrization
    Problem with filter: Iso Parametrization
    Failed to apply script file C:/Program Files/MeshLabBeta/IsoNik.mlx


    Last edit: Nik Willmore 2017-10-05

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