
#75 NC*.out not showing End time: after first simulations are done


Hello, I've been stuck on this issue for a a few days and spent number on hours getting my scan water tight. I've read through the tutorials many times and spent hour's waiting for NumCalc to finish but still get no results. the first few file's give only this message with no End time:

Start time: 27/3/2022 21:59:46

G E N E R A L P A R A M E T E R S <<

3D analysis
BE mesh and evaluation mesh have common node!
Number of the common node = 301526

I have linked my latest mesh2hrtf folder with scans. Please could you take a quick look again. The scan may not be the best for details I'm still learning and know I can get great results but I just want this program to work first before I make more detailed scans.

mesh2hrtf folder
my blender scan before exporting for numcalc


  • Fabian Brinkmann

    Your evaluation grid and mesh seem to have a node in common, which is what throws the error. Mesh2HRTF numbers the nodes and each node must have a unique number. You can find the numbers in (I think) the first column of the nodes.txt files inside the project folder.

    Best, Fabian

    • Mokh

      Mokh - 2022-03-28

      Thanx for looking. what can i do to resolve this?

  • Mokh

    Mokh - 2022-03-28

    How would i fix this issue. I have no idea where to begin.

    Both the reference and evaluation node.txt files have the same number's in the first column,
    here's an image of the reference file's in the smaller windows and the longer windows behind have the evaluation. They are marked Left and Right for each ear in red.

    when running the - run_hrtf_mesh_grading the two mesh's look exactly the same, i was under the impression both will be different in terms of their respective ears


    Last edit: Mokh 2022-03-28
  • Mokh

    Mokh - 2022-03-28

    I think I might be making a mistake on the HRTF Project Export section. This is how I am currently doing it as the script provided gives me error "Skin not found" (The Skin name changes to Skin.001 after I choose material for the 2nd .ply file or it changes the 1st .ply to Skin.001 file if I rename)

    1. Import both the .ply from the hrtf_mesh_grading_WindowsExe folder
    2. Hide right ear .ply and select left .ply to work on first
    3. select materials Skin, Right ear and Left ear and assign them accordingly

    This is when I have problems when I start to work on the right ear .ply doing the above steps it changes the Skin to Skin.001 and same with the other two materials so I then

    1. Do the manual export by copying the left selection
    2. rename that to Reference
    3. export to the correct folder with the correct options enabled
    4. Then doing the above steps for the right .ply file

    Maybe that is giving me the duplicate nodes?

  • Sergejs

    Sergejs - 2022-03-28

    Hello, I looked at the Blender mesh - while it may be air-tight, it has overlapping surfaces - it is not a single empty shell. Plus you should be more careful with details around the ear canal - it looks very rough there, so even if it gets simulated, the results will reflect the quality of your mesh.

    The simple solution if you just want to get the first simulation done fast - get Meshmixer and use "Make Solid" feature at maximum quality settings. You can even feed it mesh with holes in it - it will deal with that as well. Just try to follow the tutorials about 3D mesh editing and optimization.

    Finally - for the microphone, I think you should us just 1 triangle for left and 1 triangle for the right ear.

    • Mokh

      Mokh - 2022-03-28

      Meshmixer make solid is what i used for this mesh but still geting that error. I know the mesh isnt detailed enough, I just want to make sure I can get everything to work before i make better scans. The outside of that scan is solid one piece so not sure if it is that what is causing the "node is common" error

  • Sergejs

    Sergejs - 2022-03-28

    Please share the file after "Make solid" operation in Meshmixer.

    I am 99% sure that if you will save .ply file out of Meshmixer (make sure you save the correct, NEW layer right that was created by Make-Solid), then the "hrtf_mesh_grading" will correctly grade the mesh and you will be able to proceed to the next tutorial step.

  • Mokh

    Mokh - 2022-03-28

    Here is the meshmix file I saved its the same one used in the folder I linked for the final export

  • Sergejs

    Sergejs - 2022-03-29

    Well this Meshmixer file is not after "Make solid" operation; it has some very rough extra surfaces that should really not be there and it is not correctly rotated as is explained in point 2 here:

    As a result it does not work in "hrtf_mesh_grading" and the rest will not simulate as well. You are really close, just pay attention to details and it will work just fine.

  • Mokh

    Mokh - 2022-03-30

    I have done another where mesh mix does not give any errors neither does the 3d builder application. The left ear canal is blocked (happens when I make the whole combined object "make solid" but its still giving me the exact same node code even with different scans. I sadly have to give up as I've spent over 50 hours trying to resolve this.

    this is my meshmixer file which is completely solid.

  • Sergejs

    Sergejs - 2022-03-31

    Looking at the mesh it is not correctly oriented. Either way, I would suggest you leave this till the video tutorials are ready. It is always easier to follow guided example.

  • Sergejs

    Sergejs - 2022-03-31
    • status: open --> closed
  • Sergejs

    Sergejs - 2022-03-31

    I close this issue because the described problems can be linked to the 3D mesh preparation and do not require fixes in the Mesh2HRTF code.


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