


Mesh2HRTF ---Tools--- Wiki

This wiki covers various topics around SOFA HRTF file usage, Mesh2HRTF specifics and related topics.

1 - SOFA Application notes

Various information that provides advice and recommendations on how to use SOFA HRTF data in practical use-cases.

  1. General HRTF usage advice - Short primer on the possibilities and limitations of individual HRTFs.

  2. Everyday use of SOFA HRTF - Overview of how to make use of HRTF for all audio content on a Windows PC (music listening, surround sound from video, immersive content production, gaming).

  3. Easy and powerful headphone calibration tutorial - A method to calibrate headphones for use with (or without) HRTFs using only a PC, small speaker and some calibration microphone.

    • Note, alternative equalization approaches are described here.
  4. Fully-featured individual 7.1 surround with head-tracking on a PC - Step-by-step tutorial.

    • System-wide binauralized virtual surround 7.1 sound over headphones that uses any SOFA HRTF with optional headtracking.
    • Optionally can include individual headphone calibration, room acoustics and other effects.
    • Uses: SPARTA Binauraliser + VST Host + VoiceMeeter.
  5. Optimal SOFA to HeSuVi conversion - - Step-by-step tutorial.

    • System-wide binauralized virtual surround 7.1 sound over headphones using exacted IR data from any SOFA HRTF without any intermediate steps. (only limitation - no head-tracking support).
    • Keeps original, Impulse Response length for minimal resource usage.
  6. Advanced SOFA to HeSuVi conversion - Step-by-step tutorial.

    • System-wide binauralized virtual surround 7.1 sound over headphones using SOFA HRTF converted through SPARTA Binauraliser + Impulcifer + Reaper. (only limitation - no head-tracking support).
    • Optionally can include individual headphone calibration, room acoustics and other effects.
    • note that Impulcifer applies some additional filtering to the common signal chain (this filtering is likely beneficial and smooths out some extremes).

Miscellaneous topics that can be useful for HRTF users.

3 - Mesh2HRTF Complete Beginner’s tutorial v2022-06

NOTE: It is recommended to use the latest Mesh2HRTF release and follow the LATEST version of this Tutorial - This snapshot is available mostly for historic reference.

This is a snapshot tutorial that matches the fully functional but obsolete Mesh2HRTF_v2022-06 version. This version closely matches Mesh2HRTF used in the complete YouTube video tutorial course. (The videos are still relevant when combined with the updated written tutorials.)

Project Members:


Wiki: Advanced_SOFA_to_HeSuVi_conversion
Wiki: Basic_HRTF_tutorial
Wiki: Compiling_hrtf_mesh_grading_on_Windows
Wiki: Confusion_of_7-1 and 5-1_channel_order_in_Windows
Wiki: Earful_tutorial
Wiki: Everyday_use_of_SOFA_HRTF
Wiki: tips_to_configure_HeSuVi
Wiki: virtual_surround_with_headtracking_tutorial