
#1 extra_Evaluation_Grids Isolate Node Found


After running my multi radius simulation, I am getting:

(mesh2hrtf) C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation>python v3.01 started with SavePath = "C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation"

  ERROR: After post-processing there are no SOFA files generated in:
Running returns:

(mesh2hrtf) C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation\KEMAR_L>python
  File "C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation\KEMAR_L\", line 7
    Mesh2HRTF_version = '1.0.0
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 7)

This is due to the closing apostrophe being on the next line, fixing this and running the command again returns:

(mesh2hrtf) C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation\KEMAR_L>python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation\KEMAR_L\", line 34, in <module>
    m2h.output_to_hrtf(Mesh2HRTF_version, sourceType,
AttributeError: module 'mesh2hrtf' has no attribute 'output_to_hrtf'. Did you mean: 'output2hrtf'?
The mesh2hrtf python package is installed through anaconda, and I am running the script with the env active.

I tried changing output_to_hrtf in the to output2hrtf as well, which returned:

(mesh2hrtf) C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation\KEMAR_L>python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Mesh2HRTF\mesh2hrtf-tools\Finalize_HRTF_simulation\KEMAR_L\", line 34, in <module>
    m2h.output2hrtf(Mesh2HRTF_version, sourceType,
TypeError: output2hrtf() takes from 0 to 1 positional arguments but 9 were given

My thoughts are that it could also possibly have to do with this from the NC{step}-{step}_log.txt:

Warning: There are some frequencies higher than the highest allowable frequency!
Number of frequencies outside the range= 50
The highest allowable frequency = 16609.6
I do not see anything out of the ordinary in the other logs. Also not sure why the highest allowable frequency is 16609.6.

I do not see anything out of the ordinary in the other logs. Also not sure why the highest allowable frequency is 16609.6.


  • terrainer

    terrainer - 2023-02-21

    My bad, forgot to title the ticket.

  • Sergejs

    Sergejs - 2024-04-03

    Hello, sorry for missing the issue previously,

    When I see this my first guesses are:

    1. If you are playing with multiple overlapping grids (multiple points for the same angle where only radius differs) all of this is untested preview. Basically I made the scripts to show how to simulate the raw data, but as I have no use for multi-radius SOFA files I did not test if all post processing scripts can handle such data, Nor I know how will your software expect multi-radius SOFA file to look like. You just need to test/debug your way through - thankfully most of post-processing code is quite readable and commented.
    2. I also wonder if you have compatible versions of mesh2hrtf and mesh2hrtf-tool scripts installed. main mesh2hrtf had some bugfixes - make sure you do not have issues addressed in the release notes of the latest Mesh2hrtf version. And also on the tools side, in the scrips you should see version history that should suggest if the version is compatible with your Mesh2hrtf version. Just an idea.

    Also the custom grids scrips - they were never polished and you can run into node ID conflicts. Thankfully it should show up in the beginning of a simulation and a workaround is to re-generate grids with different starting ID offsets, or tuo run multiple simulations. Elegant solution would be if Mesh2hrtf would re-number the nodes at the beginning of the simulation, but that functionality was not added and therefore it is what it is - usable, but not smooth experience.


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