
Merlin Generator / News: Recent posts

New project home page

The home page for Merlin's project has been filled out.
Check it at



Posted by Joel Cheuoua 2005-09-19

New Release 0.5.0

There is a new release of Merlin.

Changes include :

Eclipse 3.1.0 final release support
EMF 2.1.0 final release support
GEF 3.1.0 final release support
Improved model transformation features.
Improved documentation.
Improved wizards.
Bug fixes.


Posted by Joel Cheuoua 2005-07-11

New Release : 0.4.9

The new release of Merlin is out.
This release brings compatibility with latests Eclipse drivers needed. The minimal configuration for this version is :

Eclipse 3.1 M7
EMF 2.1.0 build I200505191347
GEF 3.1 M7
UML2 1.1 M5

+ some bug fixes.



Posted by Joel Cheuoua 2005-05-26

New release : 0.4.8

I'm pleased to announce a new release of Merlin ... although the tool is already in a working state, we're looking forward to integrate more and more tests, samples, documentation etc. to claim a stable state. Hopefully, the 0.5.0 milestone that'll mark that step should be reached soon.

New & Noteworthy in Merlin Generator 0.4.8 :

- Parametrized Preview of Generated Code in JET Template Editor.
- Preview of Generated Code in JET Mapping Editor.... read more

Posted by Joel Cheuoua 2005-05-13

New Release : 0.4.7

There is a new release of Merlin. It works with Eclipse 3.1 M6 and above.
Changes are mostly the port to this new driver and some bug fixing.
Samples have been re-packaged.



Posted by Joel Cheuoua 2005-04-08

Sources Available

Sources for the Merlin Project are available now on the forge's CVS.


Posted by Joel Cheuoua 2005-03-24

The Alpha Release is Here !

I'm please to announce the alpha release of Merlin.

When working with models that aren't EMF's Ecore models, you'll quickly get stuck by the fact that there is no native code generation avalaible for these models.
Using UML2 models for example, or any domain specific models aka DSLs, producing the application code is the key piece of the work, but is also the key burden.
Are there any solution ? fortunately yes, there is at least one : Use Merlin, either by defining advanced mappings to Java templates, or by transforming your models into another models (like Ecore) that can produce code.... read more

Posted by Joel Cheuoua 2005-03-14