
Menace / News: Recent posts

Beta version 2

The next upgrade to menace has been released. The scanners format has been changed from perl to python. I am hoping for some speed bost but only time will tell. Please report back any findings you get at all.

Posted by Ryan Kelley 2006-09-19

First release

The first release of the menace project for beta testing is now released. Please report back findings from your own field test.

Posted by Ryan Kelley 2006-09-06

Bug Reports/Questions

For all bug reports with this product or any thing else related to this. Please post them here

Posted by Ryan Kelley 2006-08-27

Beta Status

I have marked this package as beta. I will be uploading the beta package in a few days for its first few trials. I do have an example up, its where the screen shots came from. With the help of University of Rhode Island i was able to get a dump of data to work with. From this very first trail a few trends were noticed.

1) The page actually loaded within a few seconds, much better than expected.

2)Only 8000 lines of tcpdump data was being parsed into the database per minute. We figured out though testing that this was not a sql flaw but rather a perl limitation.... read more

Posted by Ryan Kelley 2006-08-27