
#39 Task, Project Timer


I'm using memoranda to track projects, and have nice
trees of tasks to organize what I'm doing when. The
missing piece for my project workflow is some mechanism
to track how long I spent on a specific task, and to
have that roll up to the time I spent on a project.

If projects and tasks had timers (timers maybe aren't
appropriate for resources, events, notes?), and project
timers were the sum total of their own timer entries
(for when you're working on a project and not a task,
if that makes sense... adding resources or fleshing out
tasks maybe?) plus those of the tasks beneath them, I'd
like to have the choice for memoranda to keep a timer
based on the active widget - so when a task is actively
selected, and I minimize memoranda to work on the task
at hand, that time is accrued by the task (and by the
parent project perhaps). Mark the current task as
complete, move on to the next task, and the Timer stops
on the completed task, and starts up on the next task.

I need to track project times at the end of the day,
for daily entry into a timecard system. I'd love to see
a big "What did I do Today?" button that would dump out
(in text, or a popup screen, etc.) the list of projects
and tasks that had timer info, and the time spent in
each for that day.

Maybe the timer report is time/date sensitive to enable
time-per-week, -per-month, total-time-per-project.

Having timers would really help me get much more out of
the data that memoranda's keeping track of.

- Mark k.


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