
Portable Memoranda

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello guys,
    im very impressed from your application.
    Keep up the great work!

    I´ve started last week to use Memoranda on my Windows XP Workstation more and more... One feature i was missing is to use Memoranda on a portable device such as a USB-Stick.

    Is it possible to store the Memoranda-Files in the same folder instead of the %UserProfile% under Windows? That would the last bit to use it anywhere (With my USB-Stick).

    Thanks, Peter

    • Alex Alishevskikh

      Yes. Open %UserProfile%/.memoranda/ file and add a line:

      MEMORANDA_HOME = new/path/to/memoranda/data

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Hi Alexeya,

        Possible it was a misunderstanding...
        In your post you describe the way to store the Memoranda-Data-Files outsite of the %UserPorofile%.

        My question was to Store the Memoranda-Data-Files in the Application-Folder of Memoranda to use it on my USB-Stick on more than one Workstation with the same Data from the USB-Stick.

        Is it also possible to set the Path to the Memoranda-Data-Files in one of the Configuration-Files, in Memoranda.jar?


        • Alex Alishevskikh

          Why not to set MEMORANDA_HOME to the app-folder on your USB-Stick? If you start Memoranda from its app-folder, you can also set it as relative path.

          But there is a problem that the program always seeks in  "%UserProfile%/.memoranda" folder. So you will need to edit this file on every machine you use.

          I did so when I travelled there and back between home and office with a HDD in mobile-rack. It was rather usable (though there were only two machines in my case).

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            I work currently at 3 Computers, and i use different USB-Storrage- &
            Accessories (Card-Reader, CD-/ DVD-ROM, Printer and more) so that it
            is not practicable to reset the path in the

            Currently i try to use the Outlook-Web-Access to Manage all my Tasks,
            Notes and Events. But that requires always a internet connection...

            So, i was thinking that Memoranda could be a great solution, if it was
            able to run from a USB-Stick without any requirements at the Computer.

            If it is not possible, i have to search again for a according solution.

            Thanks for your reply.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Total portability between Windows & Linux on a USB-stick, this would be a great application since its not always possible or convenient to access the Internet!
      ... waiting in hope :-)

    • mark_k

      mark_k - 2006-11-03

      Created patch tracker 1589975 for this.
      Can't upload the all-in-one zip - not sure if that's due to sourceforge or $work.
      Will try again later, or contact me offline.
      - Mark k.

    • Joseph L. Colburn III

      As the "Portable Memoranda" patch was last updated Jan `07 and the latest Memoranda release was Feb `07, I'm courious to ask if this patch was incorporated in to this latest release, albeit released a year and 9 months ago.

      The reason I ask is, line 9 of memoranda1.0-rc3.1-20070407/ references the variable MEMORANDA_HOME.

      While I haven't tried Memoranda on any of my Linux boxes, I've been play`n with it all night on a Vista notebook.  My plan is to have a USB thumb drive with apps that'll run on any machine or OS I run across.  Memoranda seems to be a good match with my needs, provided I can get this patch to work, as its not always one of my computers I'm near.

      I downloaded the diff file (from ) and applied the changes to my memoranda1.0-rc3.1-20070407/src/net/sf/memoranda/util/ file, added "set MEMORANDA_HOME=F:/Memoranda/memoranda1.0-rc3.1-20070407/data" (w/o quotes of course) at the 3rd line of memoranda.bat, and moved all the files from C:/Users/User/.memoranda/ to F:/Memoranda/memoranda1.0-rc3.1-20070407/data/.

      Memoranda will load just fine.  However, it still seams to ignores the MEMORANDA_HOME variable, and creates C:/Users/User/.memoranda/ files.

      What have I dont wrong or neglected to do?

    • mark_k

      mark_k - 2008-11-14

      Your appraisal of the situation is right on. The "Portable memoranda" patch was never adopted into the mainline of code, so you're pretty much on your own to get it working.

      It really sounds like you're doing the right thing - you've patched the source code, and set the MEMORANDA_HOME variable, to my eyes, properly.

      I assume you recompiled the code to use your new (patched) version? If you're dealing with a java ide or some sort of debugger, you can put a breakpoint at that point of the code and watch what it does. Or throw in some output statements so it squawks about what it's doing. Something to provide more info about what the current state of MEMORANDA_HOME is like, and how it's being modified by the environment will help track down what's going on.

      - Mark

    • Joseph L. Colburn III

      Recompile?  Dough!!


      Who would have thunk it,... 

      Now that you've said it, it makes perfect sense.  I guess I've been work`n with scripts way too long!

      Sorry and Thanks. :-)


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