

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Installation is pretty confusing - I gave up. Too bad because it looks like a nice product.

    • Alex Alishevskikh

      Please provide more info on the installation problems you met.

      In fact, Memoranda doesn't need any installation - just unzip and run it. If something goes wrong, please submit a bug report or describe your problem here.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I disagree with Alex...
      I downloaded memoranda myself yesterday and tried to install/run it. It did not work until I had worked myself through the entire forum. Not being a computer expert I did not understand most of the "fixes" descirbed in the forum. What DID help was the hint that I should use the memoranda.bat from release 2 and delete the references made therein to non-existing libraries (very tricky for a non-expert!). This problem has been described so often but no "official" fix has been offered.
      Memoranda-Experts: Please provide a real fix to that problem for download!

      • Alex Alishevskikh

        Thank you. Yes, unfortunately, 'memoranda.bat' script for running Memoranda on Windows is broken in the latest release. There was a fixed script released separately (or someone can use the script from previous release) but I agree, it complicates the installation anyway.

        So, I think we need to make a bugfix release - no new features, but all nasty things reported on Windows in this forum should be fixed there. 


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