
Memento / News: Recent posts

Hibernation period over!

Work on Memento should resume over the next couple of weeks. I'm beginning to prioritise my to-do list, so if there's any particular feature you'd like to see in Memento, either mail me or post it to the forum.

Posted by Jaron Collis 2003-05-25

Memento hiatus

I'll be on holiday from February to June, (an extended hiking holiday), so there won't be any Memento updates until I get back. But this shouldn't be a problem, I've been using version 0.32 for 2 months now and it seems pretty stable.

Feel free to post any comments or suggestions to the forums in my absence, and I'll tackle them when I return. Thanks.

Posted by Jaron Collis 2003-01-27

Experimental graphical meme view online

I've adapted the excellent Touchgraph package
( to visualise Memento memes graphically. It's online at:

Just choose a meme, then click on the 'view graphically' link at the top of the page. And let me know what you think, (especially if you find any compatibility issues).

Posted by Jaron Collis 2002-10-22

New release

Thanks to those who sent in feedback on Memento 0.2. As a result I made a point of implementing the relational database storage facility, which should make life easier to those using non-European languages, and those using the multi-user mode.
Hope you find it useful.

Posted by Jaron Collis 2002-10-06

Memento now weblog capable

The new v0.2 release features weblog-style
automatic publishing. This makes meme sharing
and meme copying possible. By way of example, a
published Memento repository is now online at

For more information visit the Memento home page,

Posted by Jaron Collis 2002-07-20

First Release!

The first preview release of Memento is now available, still very much work in progress, but it's a start!

Posted by Jaron Collis 2002-06-19


Development is progressing well, as soon as I've convinced myself that the file and directory structure isn't going to change I'll upload the codebase to CVS.

The intention is to have an alpha release available for download by mid-June, this will probably be in the form of a .war file.

Posted by Jaron Collis 2002-05-31

Memento Online

Currently configuring the project and the source
code repository. After that I'll upload the
Memento white paper that describes what the
project is all about.

Posted by Jaron Collis 2002-05-03