
"Java Null Pointer Exception": during publish

  • Michael Grant

    Michael Grant - 2003-08-29

    I have a single-user installation of Memento on my machine (WIN2K, J2SDK1.4.2, JWSDP1.2/
    Tomcat4.X, Apache2.0) and although it runs well on the desktop, I'm getting a Null Pointer Exception when I try to publish to my FTP server.  The only items that get created on the server are the memento directory and a zero-byte 'style.css' file.

    Do any of you have an idea what might be going wrong?  The machine I have it installed on is at my office so I won't be able to send you the exact error output until Monday, but I thought I'd ask now to give you time to chew it over. 

    A related issue might be the fact that my ISP sets my home directory to "/home/username/" but the WWW accessible directory is
    "/home/username/public_html/". The installation notes say to omit the directory path if the home directory is set by the server/ISP but I tried both "" (i.e. no directory specified) and "/public_html" for the directory path and get the same error and empty 'style.css' file result both times.

    Your suggestions are appreciated!

    This is an awesome package and it's really going to help me organize my mind if I can just get the Publish function working! (I am REALLY looking forward to RSS as a publication method if you end up going that route!)


    • Michael Grant

      Michael Grant - 2003-09-09

      OK, thanks anyway all(knock, knock, anyone home?)
      I got it figured out, I didn't have all the pieces in the right places for one thing.  Also, once I set Tomcat's 'unpackWARS' to 'true', that seemed to make all the difference!

      Thanks for a GREAT product!

    • Jaron Collis

      Jaron Collis - 2003-09-10

      Yes, someone's home - but you probably didn't get the email message I sent. Not to worry, glad everything's working. I'll bear your experiences in mind for future releases, they should warn if the expected files aren't able to be located.


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