
No RDF model defined

Al Brown
  • Al Brown

    Al Brown - 2003-01-22

    I installed memento last evening and in initally experimented with it in single user mode.  That was cool so I decided that I wanted to experiment with it in server (Multi User mode) I set up a database (in mysql) created the tables and started Memento.

    When I select "Browse by category"  it tells me "No RDF model defined " when i click on "View categories graphically" all of the categories are displayed in the Touchgraph Browser window.  I can see the basic.rdf by browsing the link in the user's table of the database.

    When I attempt to enter a new meme I get the error message "Problem - marshalling: category is a required field." and can not enter the meme.

    I was able to import the memes from the examples folder and can display them but cannot enter new ones.

    This is a very interesting tool and the integration with Touchgraph is incredible.

    Am I doing something wrong?  What can I do to get this working.


    • Jaron Collis

      Jaron Collis - 2003-01-23

      Somebody else has previously reported a problem when switching from single to multi-user modes.

      I think it might be one of the configuration files.
      Here's how to check:

      Access the Memento main menu and follow the 'Options' link, take a look at the user home directory location. It should end in ".memento"

      Look at the files stored in this location, you should have a file called _taxonomy.rdf, but I suspect you don't and that's what's missing.

      What I would do is rename the .memento directory to .memento.bak, then recreate a new repository
      whilst in database (multi) mode.

      That should write the proper files to the proper locations.

      If that doesn't fix the problem, email me at


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