
clientlib 1.1.2 released

-Performance. Turns out that the thorough (sp?) logging throughout the
library was part of its performance downfall :). There
was a lot of string concatenation and hashtable lookups,
which by themselve don't really do much. However, if you
Do 100,000 hashtable lookups (because all the messages
are internationalized), and 50,000 string concatenations
it starts to all add up. I wrapped every logging statement
with a boolean lookup on log4net which can check to see
if we're even going to log the message, and if not, don't
even do the work involved in logging. If you turn off
logging, or turn it up to some high level like "WARN" or
"ERROR", then you will see a pretty significant performance
benefit, CPU usage down significantly, and network usage
up significantly.

Posted by Tim Gebhardt 2006-04-05

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