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Melt code now in SF repository

It's been a while... we've been working on building the Melt platform, using the repositories and test machines at the Greenpeace office; then development of the project was stopped. People working on it went their ways, and the code went into hibernation, and eventually moved to a different outsourced location.

In the meantime, I've had a couple of questions about where to download the code. In consultation with folks at Greenpeace, I've uploaded a copy of the code here, to be more easily available. You'll miss the whole revision history, but the code is available, as well as our last story list.... read more

Posted by Rolf Kleef 2008-03-23

We're on Sourceforge!

Well, that's rather obvious, right? For now, have a look at our blog at Greenpeace to keep up to date.

Posted by Rolf Kleef 2006-07-12