
mEL Control Panel

I've started to work on a subproject for mEL. It's a control panel based on mAC. The advantage here is that with mCP there won't be the need to run mIRC in order to retrieve updates. mCP listens on a designated port for incoming requests from eggdrops running the mCP client. When a successful request is made mCP will automatically download the logfile, if necessary, and spawn mIRCStats in order to create the stats files, and then automatically upload the html files, again, if necessary.
mCP will be written for the win32 platform only. Since I can't do much testing on Xwindows I won't be writing a linux version for it. However, if you feel the sudden urge to use the source for mCP (which will be available on request) and port it to linux, then I welcome you to do so.

Posted by Gilbert van Griensven 2001-05-10

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