
#914 Part.findReplacement may not find the best possible part


Given that parts of different quality now do not stack, it is possible that the Part.findReplacement routine might not find the best replacement available. However, fixing this is a bigger project because if we allow for looping through and getting the best replacement rather than the first, we will have to make some changes to refit which tries to keep track of available replacements with a hashtable that doesn't differentiate this way. Also, armor currently still stacks into a single pile based on the existing quality because various parts of the program expect there to be only one armor pile per type - plus you could get into a situation where you need to combine piles of different quality to get enough armor. I don't think the armor is such a big deal because the quality on the unit will be determined by the existing Armor part on the unit, not the pile, but we may want to look at it.

Given that this bug is inconvenient but not game breaking, I am marking this as post-stable.


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