
#587 XP support in MeGUI

satis monk

I have read: "[Main] The support for Windows XP has been dropped"
This is the worst what can happen or you got paid by micro$oft?
The XP OS is still in wide use, so please add back XP support in MeGUI.


  • hello_hello

    hello_hello - 2016-08-07

    At the moment it's a case of "it runs on XP but if it stops working it won't be fixed". MeGUI uses many third party tools and they won't all necessarily keep working on XP when they're updated.

    The current version of MeGUI (2634) runs on XP fine, aside from a few bugs which I don't think are peculiar to XP. One exception is the L-Smash indexer. If you've upgraded it and it no longer works, you can replace it with the last known XP-friendly version. LSMASHSource.dll resides in the "MeGUI\tools\lsmash" folder and there's a link to an XP version at the very bottom of this page:


    Last edit: hello_hello 2016-09-21
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2016-08-07

    That is correct, thanks. The support has not been dropped in MeGUI itself, but I will not test anymore with XP.

  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2016-08-07
    • status: open --> pending
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2016-09-04

    Ticket moved from /p/megui/bugs/839/

    I have moved this ticket to the feature requests as it is not a bug.


    Last edit: Zathor 2016-09-04
  • hello_hello

    hello_hello - 2016-09-21

    Newer ffmpeg versions tend to not work on XP, so it's probably best not to update it.
    If you have, revert back to the old version if you can, or....

    Thats the most recent version I know of that works on XP (July 2016).

  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2017-12-30
    • status: pending --> wont-fix
    • Group: General --> 2
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2017-12-30

    I have added an OS check a year ago which will download to XP only the tools which work there. However there will no further support for XP.


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