
#8 clientLogin


clientLogin rebuilded
I applied a facade pattern on method clientLogin and
add a new method for check if user has already logged.
Send the entire file so find the string
BLACKRAIDER for a starting point of my mods.
Hope this helps.


  • dsofttech

    dsofttech - 2005-04-20
  • Helge Richter

    Helge Richter - 2005-04-23

    Logged In: YES

    Thank you for your submission. I do have a question though:

    Is there a reason the methods you added (like isNobody) do
    not take paramters but use a global variable (username)
    instead? I suppose it could be problematic once multiple
    users sign on at a similar time as the clientLogin method is
    not synchronized and might as well be called by multiple
    client-threads at once..(thus overwriting username)

  • dsofttech

    dsofttech - 2005-04-24

    Logged In: YES

    First of all thanks for take time to read the mod.

    As far as I know clientLogin is an instance method.
    This means that every client must have his own instance of
    MMServ class before calling any non-static method on the
    class (included clientLogin, and inherently the username field).

    I suposse you use a RPC mechanism for have an unique
    instance of the server and retrieve the instance of the
    server to the client-threads. The approach you've take don't
    protect you in the issue you related. The fact is simple:
    two clients accessing to the same piece of code at the same
    time (whitout protection) can result in an unpredictable
    behavior of the code.

    Imagine two clients that access the server at same time and
    both using the same parameters (username and pwd). Both
    reach the clientLogin function as pass it clearly for the
    reason that the method don't have enough time to refresh the
    data. Both users are registered and probably one of them
    raises an exception when the method try to add one to users

    By this way you could sinchronize the method through
    username field and assure that two or more clients don't log
    in at the same time.
    Another reason for split the method in a few pieces of code
    is readability. This way improve the readability of the
    entire login process, with the added advantage that could
    add new special account types or new checks whitout break
    this concept.

    I send you the file with the correct sintax checking and
    with the method synchronized.
    Hope this helps.

  • dsofttech

    dsofttech - 2005-04-24
  • Helge Richter

    Helge Richter - 2005-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    I'll be a bit busy over the next days, but I promise to look
    at it closer once I get some free time. Just to keep you
    informed, that I didn't forget you :)


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