Immanuel Scholz - 2004-07-27

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Even through I like the idea, there are several problems
with it.

- ELO: You may not want to inbalance the fight by giving one
side an advantage during fight. If an attacker has "only" to
reach capture flags, he may get an advantage. That will
break the current system of deciding the players strength
based on ELO. Yet very much suggestions were rejected
because it would give some side any advantage...

- Interoperability between MegaMek and MegaMekNET: We, the
coders of MegaMekNET would have to change the source code of
MegaMek (the ingame battle engine). Traditionally there is a
mistrust between us and the MM-guys ;-|.

- Balancing: It would be a hell to manually balance the
thing out.

- No BattleTech anymore: Most of us want to play BattleTech.
And this means firing each other mechs, not running with a
LCT-horde around and grab flags. Although this could be fun
for some, others would not like it. If you make it a part of
the blinding battle system, you force people to do such
non-classical battles.

- Quite a lot work: It is not easy. Not even close to easy
to code I think. I am not going to do it...