
#210 Lab freezes when trying to assign citical to location that already contains a critical


This is the newest Mac version, contained in the mekhq folder. I'm running an iMac on OSX 10.11.1

I get "Location Full Endo Steel does not fit there in LA on Locust RFL". That's fine (okay, really it's not), but the message never goes away. Clicking 'OK' does nothing, as does clicking the red 'close' button in the upper left corner. No button clicks anywhere do anything.

Aside from that — and I should probably start a seperate ticket for this — I can't find any instructions for how to use the program. How do I switch from Mech to Vehicle to Infantry? (It seems to be permanently set to Mech.) How do I delete hands and lower arms from armless Mechs? Is there a collection of stock mechs I can vary off, or do they all have to be built from scratch?



  • Curtis Starr Cook

    As far as the third and fourth paragraphs go, I've found out how to delete hands and lower arms, and how to save designs.

    I still can't find instructions, switch from building Mechs to anything else, or find a collection of stock mechs.

    • Curtis Starr Cook

      I found how to switch from Mechs to Vehicles, etc., and found the stock collections. Still can't locate any instructions.

      A new problem has arisen: I found my way to the screen that has the C3 computers and Bloodhound/Angel systems once, but then the system froze, and since restarting I can no longer find that screen. Some direction, please?

      • Nicholas Walczak

        There really isn't any documentation for MML right now. I know I mentioned this in another report of yours, but if you're looking for support-type help, forums are really a better option. On the issue trackers, you're mostly going to get responses from developers, and those may be slow. If you post on the forums, there's a far larger body of people willing to chime in with help. You can either use (where I can't help you with any account creation issues, you'll need CGL support for that), or (which is our forums that we support, however it's not as busy as the CGL forums).

        • Curtis Starr Cook

          As I replied to your suggestion last time, I appear to be unable to create an account at, and the FAQ for "Submit a bug" specifically states that I should not ask for bug help in the open forums.

          I will try to create an account at, but that will be to ask questions about how the program works, such as where to find an instruction manual.

  • Nicholas Walczak

    I get "Location Full Endo Steel does not fit there in LA on Locust RFL". That's fine (okay, really it's not), but the message never goes away. Clicking 'OK' does nothing, as does clicking the red 'close' button in the upper left corner. No button clicks anywhere do anything.

    To be able to do anything about this issue, you're going to give me some steps to reproduce.

    • Curtis Starr Cook

      Open application.
      Go to Assign Criticals.
      Assign a critical to a location.
      Assign another critical to the same location.
      The result of this is a window popping up that reads: "LAB Heat Sink [or whatever you tried to drag there] does not fit there in RT [or wherever you tried to drag it] on New Mek [or whatever the Mech you are working on is named]".

      The application is now frozen. The popup has an "OK" button, but it can't be clicked. Neither can the red 'close window' button in the upper left hand corner. The only thing you can do is force-quit the application [Command-q], which loses all the work you've done on that Mech.

      Since ciriticals are not placed the same way when designing Vehicles or AeroMechs, this seems not to be a problem using those features, but I haven't tested that exhaustively.


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