
MediaTomb 0.10.0 released

First, we have a surprise feature for you – inotify based autoscan support. Here is the story:
we were contacted by Iomega, they told us that they plan to use MediaTomb on their NAS devices and asked for a feature – they wanted to have inotify autoscan support and they offered us some sponsorship for implementing it. So say thank you to Iomega and enjoy this new cool feature!

Next, we finally added playlist support. Quite some users have been pestering us about that for a long time and they did so with success :) Playlists are implemented via scripting, so you need to have a working SpiderMonkey js library to use this feature. As always, we tried to make it very flexible and configurable: you can write your own playlist parsers in JavaScript, you should be able to parse any ASCII based playlist format. M3U and PLS formats are implemented in the default distribution, read the scripting documentation to find out how to add parsing for even more formats.

Apart from those big features there are some small fixes and improvements like support for album art or hiding the PC Directory and a workaround for PS3 users who were suffering from the “disconnect” problem. Take a look at the ChangeLog for a full list.

Posted by Leo 2007-07-12

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