Hi, I try to compile mediatomb on Suse10. I get the message of the mysql_config is missing. In the docs is nothing about that. Don't know where to put it, how it has to look like,...
Someone give me a hint?
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Since I do not have Suse I can only guess... no my FC3 installation mysql_config is part of the mysql-3.23.58-16.FC3.1 rpm package. Maybe on Suse mysql was split into mysql and mysql-devel?
Basically mysql_config is a program that is shipped along with the mysql development packages, it is similar to pkg-config and basically helps to figure out various flags that are needed for successfull compilation.
Alternatively you could compile MediaTomb without mysql support, just use ./configure --disable-mysql (but make sure you have sqlite3 and sqlite3 development packages installed)
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thx worked and after I made a symbolic link of my libjs as debian-type I got a compile error.
In this forum they say to use the fc5 patch.
wich tool should I get to use the .patch file?
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Hi, could you please tell me what exactly you had to fix for libjs? With that feedback I could probably imrpove the configure script.
Regarding the patch do the following:
(the command below is assuming that your current working directory has the unpacked mediatomb archive and the patch file:
mediatomb-0.8.1 mediatomb_0.8.1_fc5.patch)
patch -p0 < mediatomb_0.8.1_fc5.patch
and make sure you have the "patch" package installed, on Fedora it comes in a separate rpm, I assume it will be the same on Suse.
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sure, in suse the jsapi.h is in the folder /usr/include/js
like I read somewhere, the FC got it in /usr/include and debian under /usr/include/smjs.
And I read that the config script only looks in these two folder.
So I made a symbolic link with: "ln -s /usr/include/smjs /usr/include/js"
Ok with the patch it worked. When should the config.xml will be generated? The compiled stuff when through but I can't find the config.xml to edit.
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ok I edit the file config_dist.xml and copied it to a folder in etc.
so webserver seems to run, but I get "Root object.container Root 1 e377b236e79c1493d907a3a1324e0c41 1 1 0 15 1 PC Directory object.container" in the middle of the website.
I will try around, but if you got an idea your welcome.
thx for the help you gave me
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Thanks for the info regarding the javascript library, I will adapt the configure script accordingly.
Regarding your problem:
After compilation and installation of the server you should run the tomb-install script; it will create an sqlite3 database and setup the config.xml file.
Take a look at the README file, especially at the "SETUP" section, it should get you going.
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ok, one last think plz.
I can connect with my noxon but the http-ui just shows :"Root object.container Root 1 e377b236e79c1493d907a3a1324e0c41 1 1 0 15 1 PC Directory object.container"
If I add object to the mysql DB by hand I see these changes on the device. Wasn't the http-ui a smarter way to add tracks?
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Uhm... so you are saying the http ui is not looking as on the screenshot on our SourceForge project page?
There is something wrong with your setup; did you follow the installation instructions as specified in the README file? You are saying that you use mysql, did you follow the instructions in mysql.txt?
On a proper installation you should be able to add files and directories via the web UI, and you should also see names of your files and so on.
Did you run make install and then tomb-install from the installation directory?
I need more details in order to find out what exactly went wrong.
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right, not looking like the screenshots.
yes used the mysql.sql and put the <storage.....> stuff.
I run the tomb-install script like in the README and as you told me. Ok I will make the build again. And take a proper look at the outputs
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ok found my error. After I ran the whole build process again with no error. btw the libmagic in Suse is the "file-devel" package.
I noticed that in the sourcecode of the webpage is in xml. So I tried instead of opera the normal Internet explorer. and there is the right page.
My last error was that opera doesn't shows the xml-site right.
ok thx 4 your help again.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Hi, I try to compile mediatomb on Suse10. I get the message of the mysql_config is missing. In the docs is nothing about that. Don't know where to put it, how it has to look like,...
Someone give me a hint?
Since I do not have Suse I can only guess... no my FC3 installation mysql_config is part of the mysql-3.23.58-16.FC3.1 rpm package. Maybe on Suse mysql was split into mysql and mysql-devel?
Basically mysql_config is a program that is shipped along with the mysql development packages, it is similar to pkg-config and basically helps to figure out various flags that are needed for successfull compilation.
Alternatively you could compile MediaTomb without mysql support, just use ./configure --disable-mysql (but make sure you have sqlite3 and sqlite3 development packages installed)
thx worked and after I made a symbolic link of my libjs as debian-type I got a compile error.
In this forum they say to use the fc5 patch.
wich tool should I get to use the .patch file?
Hi, could you please tell me what exactly you had to fix for libjs? With that feedback I could probably imrpove the configure script.
Regarding the patch do the following:
(the command below is assuming that your current working directory has the unpacked mediatomb archive and the patch file:
mediatomb-0.8.1 mediatomb_0.8.1_fc5.patch)
patch -p0 < mediatomb_0.8.1_fc5.patch
and make sure you have the "patch" package installed, on Fedora it comes in a separate rpm, I assume it will be the same on Suse.
sure, in suse the jsapi.h is in the folder /usr/include/js
like I read somewhere, the FC got it in /usr/include and debian under /usr/include/smjs.
And I read that the config script only looks in these two folder.
So I made a symbolic link with: "ln -s /usr/include/smjs /usr/include/js"
Ok with the patch it worked. When should the config.xml will be generated? The compiled stuff when through but I can't find the config.xml to edit.
ok I edit the file config_dist.xml and copied it to a folder in etc.
so webserver seems to run, but I get "Root object.container Root 1 e377b236e79c1493d907a3a1324e0c41 1 1 0 15 1 PC Directory object.container" in the middle of the website.
I will try around, but if you got an idea your welcome.
thx for the help you gave me
Thanks for the info regarding the javascript library, I will adapt the configure script accordingly.
Regarding your problem:
After compilation and installation of the server you should run the tomb-install script; it will create an sqlite3 database and setup the config.xml file.
Take a look at the README file, especially at the "SETUP" section, it should get you going.
ok, one last think plz.
I can connect with my noxon but the http-ui just shows :"Root object.container Root 1 e377b236e79c1493d907a3a1324e0c41 1 1 0 15 1 PC Directory object.container"
If I add object to the mysql DB by hand I see these changes on the device. Wasn't the http-ui a smarter way to add tracks?
Uhm... so you are saying the http ui is not looking as on the screenshot on our SourceForge project page?
There is something wrong with your setup; did you follow the installation instructions as specified in the README file? You are saying that you use mysql, did you follow the instructions in mysql.txt?
On a proper installation you should be able to add files and directories via the web UI, and you should also see names of your files and so on.
Did you run make install and then tomb-install from the installation directory?
I need more details in order to find out what exactly went wrong.
right, not looking like the screenshots.
yes used the mysql.sql and put the <storage.....> stuff.
I run the tomb-install script like in the README and as you told me. Ok I will make the build again. And take a proper look at the outputs
ok found my error. After I ran the whole build process again with no error. btw the libmagic in Suse is the "file-devel" package.
I noticed that in the sourcecode of the webpage is in xml. So I tried instead of opera the normal Internet explorer. and there is the right page.
My last error was that opera doesn't shows the xml-site right.
ok thx 4 your help again.