titan - 2015-09-12

I am trying to configure MediaTomb and it prompt
libjs : missing

I checked the floder /usr/local/include, and found that SpiderMonkey's header files was put under the floder mozjs-31.
So I used the option --with-js-h like this:
./configure --with-js-h=/usr/local/include/mozjs-31 | grep libjs
but I got this error information:
configure: error: jsapi.h not found in requested location /usr/local/include/mozjs-31

I am sure that the fire exists there:
$ ll /usr/local/include/mozjs-31/jsapi.h
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 52 9月 12 13:30 /usr/local/include/mozjs-31/jsapi.h -> /home/sntitan/tools/upnp/mozjs-31.2.0/js/src/jsapi.h

what's wrong?

My OS is CentOS 7.1.53.
SpiderMokey version is 31, downloaded from https://people.mozilla.org/~sstangl/mozjs-31.2.0.rc0.tar.bz2
MediaTomb version is 0.12.1, downloaded from http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mediatomb/mediatomb-0.12.1.tar.gz

Any advice would be appreciated.