
sqlite3 error at first launch

  • cocob

    cocob - 2006-02-01


    On Mandrake 10.0, I installed libupnp (libupnp-1.2.1a.tar.gz) and sqlite3 (sqlite-3.3.3.tar.gz) with no error.
    Then I installed mediatomb (configure, make, make install and tomb-install) : again, no error.
    But when I launched mediatomb, I get this :


    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: ======== MediaTomb UPnP Server version 0.8.1 ========
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Loading configuration from ~/.mediatomb/config.xml
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Loading configuration from: /users/ceib7473/.mediatomb/config.xml
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: UUID GENERATED!: bba7f32f-32fb-40ee-a455-73864304c160
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Checking configuration...
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Config: option not found: /server/servedir using default value:
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Config: option not found: /import/metadata-charset using default value: ISO-8859-1
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: checking ip..
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ip using default value:
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Config: option not found: /server/bookmark using default value: mediatomb.html
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Config: option not found: /server/port using default value: 0
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Config: option not found: /server/alive using default value: 180
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Configuration check succeeded.
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ip using default value:
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: got ip: (null)
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Initialized port: 49152
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: Server bound to:
    2006-01-01 15:05:32 INFO: upnp_init: webroot: /usr/local/share/mediatomb/web
    2006-01-01 15:05:34 WARNING: SQLITE3: (1) no such table: cds_objects
    Query:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cds_objects WHERE object_type <> 1 AND is_virtual = 0
    Exception: Sqlite3: query error
    _STRACE_ 0 mediatomb [0x806f76f]
    _STRACE_ 1 mediatomb [0x8055aa1]
    _STRACE_ 2 mediatomb [0x80660ca]
    _STRACE_ 3 mediatomb [0x80670d0]
    _STRACE_ 4 mediatomb [0x804ba81]
    _STRACE_ 5 mediatomb [0x8051f4d]
    _STRACE_ 6 mediatomb [0x805208f]
    _STRACE_ 7 /lib/tls/ [0x402f1b3c]
    _STRACE_ 8 /lib/tls/ [0x4028c93a]


    and if I try to browse mediatomb.html, Iget this message :


    An error has occured. Press Back in your browser to return to the previous page.

    Error message: Sqlite3: query error


    Any idea of the source of the problem ?


    • Jin

      Jin - 2006-02-01

      hmm, it sounds like the database file has not been initialized, maybe tomb-install failed to create it properly?

      you could try to create the database manually:
      cat /usr/share/mediatomb/sqlite3.sql | sqlite3 sqlite3.db

      put the sqlite3.db file in your ~/.mediatomb/ directory (or whatever you specified in the config.xml file)

      does it solve the problem?


    • cocob

      cocob - 2006-02-02

      Sounds like you are right : .mediatomb/sqlite3.db is a 0 octet file.

      I don't see any mediatomb directory in /usr/share.
      Perhaps were you talking about /usr/local/share/mediatomb/sqlite3.sql ?
      I tried with this one but I received this message :


      CREATE TABLE cds_objects
          id              INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT 0,
          ref_id          INTEGER,
          parent_id       INTEGER NOT NULL,
          object_type     INTEGER NOT NULL,
          upnp_class      VARCHAR(80),
          dc_title        VARCHAR(255),
          is_restricted   INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
          is_virtual      INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
          location        VARCHAR(255),
          metadata        TEXT,
          auxdata         TEXT,
          resources       TEXT,

          update_id       INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
          is_searchable   INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

          mime_type       VARCHAR(40),

          action          VARCHAR(255),
          state           VARCHAR(255),

          flags           INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
          display_prio    INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
      SQL error: disk I/O error
      CREATE INDEX cds_objects_ref_id ON cds_objects(ref_id);
      SQL error: no such table: main.cds_objects
      CREATE INDEX cds_objects_parent_id ON cds_objects(parent_id);
      SQL error: no such table: main.cds_objects
      CREATE INDEX cds_objects_object_type ON cds_objects(object_type);
      SQL error: no such table: main.cds_objects
      CREATE INDEX cds_objects_is_virtual ON cds_objects(is_virtual);
      SQL error: no such table: main.cds_objects
      CREATE INDEX cds_objects_mime_type ON cds_objects(mime_type);
      SQL error: no such table: main.cds_objects
      INSERT INTO cds_objects(id, parent_id, object_type, dc_title, upnp_class)
          VALUES (0, -1, 1, 'Root', 'object.container');
      SQL error: no such table: cds_objects
      INSERT INTO cds_objects(id, parent_id, object_type, dc_title, upnp_class)
          VALUES (1, 0, 1, 'PC Directory', 'object.container');
      SQL error: no such table: cds_objects


      disk I/O error ? seems that sqlite3 has some problems to write on my disk...


    • Jin

      Jin - 2006-02-03

      regarding the path: yes, you guessed right; depending on the installation the paths can vary.

      now regarding your problem:
      from what directory were you trying to run the command? do you have write permissions there?
      is your disk full? the problem you are having is somehow related to your system; I doubt that it is directly linked to mediatomb or sqlite - it just seems you can not write to your disk, that's all...


    • cocob

      cocob - 2006-02-03

      I ran the command from my home directory where I have all permissions. There's 17Go free on the disk.
      I tried to run the command from the / as root and it worked so you were totally right : the problem comes from my system and not from mediatomb nor sqlite...
      I'll try to solve this mystery with my system administrator.

      Thanks for your help and availability,
      Keep the good work !



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