
Help with install

  • Konni

    Konni - 2005-04-15

    Hi  and congratulations with the release.
    I'm having troubles compiling Mediatomb under FC2,

    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/konni/Forrit/MediaTomb 0.7/mediatomb-0.7/src'
    g++  -g -O2   -o mediatomb  main.o libmediatomb.a web/libweb.a storage/sqlite3/libsqlite3.a libmediatomb.a storage/fs/libfs.a mxml/libmxml.a zmmf/libzmmf.a zmm/libzmm.a uuid/libuuid.a md5/libmd5.a -lupnp -lixml -lthreadutil -lsqlite3 -lmagic
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsqlite3

    The troubles have to do with the SQLite3 installation.
    I could not find any descent help on the website, what sqlite package and how did you compile it ?

    Thanks in advance,

    • Jin

      Jin - 2005-04-15


      which sqlite packages did you install? you should have the normal and the devel package, I am using those two:

      look at, they should have sqlite3 rpm packages.

      what bothers me is, that you obviously have a linking problem, so you must have the sqlite headers.. did you install them yourself? or lets put the question another way: what version of sqlite did you install and how did you do it? :)


    • Konni

      Konni - 2005-04-15

      Hi and thanks for the reply.
      I've solved the problem ..
      needed to update my TCL libs before i could compile the sqlite3 package.

      Now I'm all set, gonna test this with my DSM-320 now ..

    • Jin

      Jin - 2005-04-15

      Uh... DSM-320... check out the thread in the open discussion forum. The DSM-320 has a problem... and I believe that it's not our fault, I still have to investigate it further; I heard that their server does not work with the Streamium, so they must be doing something in a weird way...

      For now you can browse our server, but firmware 1.05 crashes when you try to play a file from MediaTomb.

    • Konni

      Konni - 2005-04-15

      Hmm maybe i was to fast with my last post.
      Something strange is going on, on my box.
      First I compiled  tcl8.4.9 and then sqlite-3.2.1 both from the source distribution packages without any errors. 
      Then the ,/confogure, make and make install for mediatomb give me no errors and everything seem fine.
      But when i try to start mediatomb from my homedirectory I get the errormessage "mediatomb: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

      Any idea what I'm doing wrong in this process ?

      nb. regarding the DSM-320 I've been using it on my linux box with the TwonkyVision upnp server without any troubles, so I'm looking forward to see if mediatomb works, if not with firmware 1.05 I will simply downgrade the firmware for testing them all.


    • Jin

      Jin - 2005-04-15

      do "ldd mediatomb" it will print out which libraries it uses, and which one can be found and which ones not

      probably you either forgot to run ldconfig after installing the sqlite3 libs, and/or they lie in a path that is not added /etc/

      about the DMS: older firmware will not work, it seems a general problem, I will look at the differences in the XML to see if there is something in our output that confuses the unit; I hope I can check it out a bit later today

    • Konni

      Konni - 2005-04-15

      "ldd mediatomb" gives me "ldd: ./mediatomb: No such file or directory"

      I'm sorry but I'm not a very advanced linux user, do you stay on some irc chan where i can msg you and possible give you access to my box if you would be so kind to take a look for yourself :) ?


    • Jin

      Jin - 2005-04-15

      No, please, do not give ANYONE access to your box :)

      when doing ldd you must be in the directory where you have the mediatomb executable.

      but if you are not so experienced with linux I would suggest that you take precompiled binary rpm's, there are lots of those for Fedora, at least I think it's easier for the start.

      message me on IRCNet, my nick is Jin^eLD


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