
can't find include files

  • jgoldrick

    jgoldrick - 2006-05-29


    I am trying to compile mediatomb 0.8.1.  I am new to Linux, though I work and compile programs on UNIX.  I am having problems with compiling mediatomb.  I have set the enable--options for libmagic javascript, etc. on.  However, the configure cannot find jsapi.h, magic.h, maybe another.  One thing at a time.  Anyway, I have installed all the libraries needed, I believe.  The include files are there as well as the libs.  I have tried setting the CPPFLAGS, no good.  I have tried an rpm, but it also complained about the libs.
    Here is the error:
    checking for
    checking alternative header location..not found, giving up

    Same thing happens to magic.h if I take out the enable javascript.  I am on PCLinuxOS.

    I make a /usr/include/smjs dir and copied all the header files from js/src/ into it.  I have tried linking the magic.h, jsapi.h into different locations with no luck.

    Any ideas?  I'm fresh out.  I'm really looking forward to trying this out on my DSM320, though I did see a post about some problems with 1.5.  Oh well, just have to see.



    • Jin

      Jin - 2006-05-29

      sorry, I can not give you support right now, we are currently on holidays in Russia and I am writing from an internt cafe

      look in the forums, I think someone had a similar problem with jsapi on a suse distribution

      I will be back after the 3rd of June, then I will be able to look at what is going wrong


    • jgoldrick

      jgoldrick - 2006-05-30

      Thanks, jin.  Since I'm setting this computer up only as a media server, I switched to Ubuntu and was able to get it going looking at the forums.  I did have to add
      #include <time.h>
      in and  Now I gotta figure out how to use it (after conferences and vacation).

      thanks much,


    • Jin

      Jin - 2006-06-05


      I am back from my vacation, I know about the time.h problem, actually I plan to bring out a patched .tar.gz of 0.8.1 because of all the compile problems that have appeared in the recent months. 0.9 will still take some time.

      so how is it going? were you able to get everything running?



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