
MediaMaster / News: Recent posts

File Removed

I removed the downloadable zip file that contained the current build because it did not do anything other than look nice. (It is the reason MediaMaster is still Alpha)

Posted by Joel Stoker 2010-05-23

The project has begun, again

Jonathan and I, Joel, have been working on MediaMaster for some time now. We wanted to make a great program that can beat other proprietary companies, especially Adobe, but we have the problem of time. This last year we were totally booked by a school project and could not work on MediaMaster. So we decided that to better help ourselves and the community, we decided to move MediaMaster to the open source realm. We hope to have the help and motivation ($) to continue to complete/maintain MediaMaster. Please, if you even see this entry, say something in the form. We put this project up two days ago, and still feel lonely.

Posted by Joel Stoker 2010-05-23