
#448 More info from DTS audio tracks

DTS (1)

I would be interested to have more infos about DTS audio tracks, such as those given by LeeAudbi (

CRC present .................: 0 (Not)
Number of PCM Sample Blocks .: 15 ( 512 samples/frame)
Primary Frame Byte Size .....: 1005 ( 1006 bytes/frame)
Audio Channel Arrangement ...: 9 (5 C + L + R + SL + SR)
Core Audio Samp. Frequency ..: 13 (48 kHz)
Transmission Bit Rate .......: 15 (768 Kb/s)
Embedded Down Mix Enabled ...: 0 (Not)
Embedded Dynamic Range Flag .: 0 (Not)
Embedded Time Stamp Flag ....: 0 (Not)
Auxiliary Data Flag .........: 0 (Not)
Mastered in HDCD format .....: 0 (Not)
Extension Audio Descr. Flag .: 0 (Channel Extension XCh)
Extended Coding Flag ........: 0 (Not)
Audio Sync Word Insert. Flag : 1 (Sub-sub-frame)
Low Frequency Effects Flag ..: 2 (Present, interpolation factor 64)
Predictor History Flag Switch: 1 (Yes)
Multirate Interpolator Switch: 0 (Non-perfect Reconstruction)
Encoder Software Revision ...: 7 (Current)
Copy History ................: 1 (Definition deliberately omitted)
Source PCM Resolution .......: 6 (24 bits)
Front Sum/Difference Flag ...: 0 (Not)
Surrounds Sum/Difference Flag: 0 (Not)
Dialog Normalization Param. .: - 0 dB

I am mainly interested in the top 3 parameters (CRC, PCM Sample Blocks, Primary Frame Byte Size).

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance


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