
#436 Option for ignoring wildcards ? or * in the filename


Possible conflict:

For example, if you have a file named 'a?.mp4' running the command through bash:
mediainfo "a?.mp4"
will return no output with a return code of 1. If mediainfo is trying to expand the tokens (rather than rely on the shell to do so), one would think that it should still match 'a?.mp4' (along with 'ab.mp4' etc) but this doesn't seem to be the case.

It would be better if we could force mediainfo to not bother trying to expand wildcards (perhaps an additional CLI param?), leaving this job to the shell, but this could be more work.

Renaming the file to not have these special characters allows mediainfo to dump the appropriate info.

Nb: tested on v0.7.67. 0.7.68 doesn't look like it fixes it.


  • Max Pozdeev

    Max Pozdeev - 2014-05-02

    Such files are ignored in ZenLib's function: bool File::Exists(const Ztring &File_Name)

    As for Mac such names are valid.


    Last edit: Max Pozdeev 2014-05-02
  • Saki

    Saki - 2014-05-16

    As for Linux such names are valid as well.
    On Ubuntu 14.04, tested on 0.7.68 it ignores all files whose name contains the asterisk. Rename the file and MediaInfo can read the file.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-05-16

    Possible conflict:

    Right, I need to find a way to handle both cases ("?" used as wildcard or "?" in the real file name)

    will return no output with a return code of 1. If mediainfo is trying to expand the tokens (rather than rely on the shell to do so), one would think that it should still match 'a?.mp4' (along with 'ab.mp4' etc) but this doesn't seem to be the case.


    It would be better if we could force mediainfo to not bother trying to expand wildcards (perhaps an additional CLI param?), leaving this job to the shell, but this could be more work.

    It may be a solution.
    But I think that the wildcard should be the default, including the detection of 'a?.mp4' (which is not the case today).

    Issue is duplicate of
    so I close the ticket about '?' for this reason, but I also move this ticket to a feature request about having an option to force mediainfo not to consider "?" as a wildcard

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-05-16
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate
    • assigned_to: Jerome Martinez
    • Group: Usability --> Incorrect_result
  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-05-16

    Ticket moved from /p/mediainfo/bugs/846/

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-05-16
    • summary: mediainfo won't process files with a ? or * in the filename --> Option for ignoring wildcards ? or * in the filename
    • Group: Incorrect_result --> More_attribute
  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2014-05-16
    • status: closed-duplicate --> open-accepted
  • ZiNgA BuRgA

    ZiNgA BuRgA - 2014-05-22

    Thanks for all replies :)


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