
#1049 repo-MediaArea-*.deb: incorrect packaging


The repo-MediaArea-*.deb packages are not correct packaged.
Running lintian(1) reveals a lot of issues:

$ lintian repo-MediaArea-snapshots-1.0-2_all.deb
E: MediaArea-snapshots: debian-changelog-file-missing
E: MediaArea-snapshots: file-in-etc-not-marked-as-conffile etc/apt/sources.list.d/MediaArea-snapshots.list
E: MediaArea-snapshots: file-in-etc-not-marked-as-conffile etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/MediaArea-snapshots.gpg
E: MediaArea-snapshots: control-file-has-bad-permissions postinst 0775 != 0755
E: MediaArea-snapshots: control-file-has-bad-owner postinst MediaArea/MediaArea != root/root
E: MediaArea-snapshots: no-copyright-file
E: MediaArea-snapshots: extended-description-is-empty
E: MediaArea-snapshots: bad-package-name
E: MediaArea-snapshots: package-not-lowercase
E: MediaArea-snapshots: maintainer-name-missing
W: MediaArea-snapshots: essential-no-not-needed
W: MediaArea-snapshots: unknown-section custom
E: MediaArea-snapshots: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid etc/ 1003/1003
W: MediaArea-snapshots: non-standard-dir-perm etc/ 0775 != 0755
E: MediaArea-snapshots: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid etc/apt/ 1003/1003
W: MediaArea-snapshots: non-standard-dir-perm etc/apt/ 0775 != 0755
E: MediaArea-snapshots: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 1003/1003
E: MediaArea-snapshots: package-installs-apt-sources etc/apt/sources.list.d/
W: MediaArea-snapshots: non-standard-dir-perm etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 0775 != 0755
E: MediaArea-snapshots: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid ... use --no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
E: MediaArea-snapshots: package-installs-apt-sources etc/apt/sources.list.d/MediaArea-snapshots.list
W: MediaArea-snapshots: non-standard-file-perm etc/apt/sources.list.d/MediaArea-snapshots.list 0664 != 0644
W: MediaArea-snapshots: non-standard-dir-perm ... use --no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
W: MediaArea-snapshots: maintainer-script-ignores-errors postinst

Maybe it's better to add the repository and the GPG key using a shell script?


  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2017-05-18
    • status: open --> open-accepted
    • assigned_to: Jerome Martinez
  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2017-05-18

    Running lintian(1) reveals a lot of issues:

    We can fix several of them, but some will remain e.g. file-in-etc-not-marked-as-conffile (we want files to be removed when the package is removed)

    Maybe it's better to add the repository and the GPG key using a shell script?

    I am not convinced that a shell script is easy for newbees (adding execute permission and so on) and we want that everyone is able to install the repo. We could add the shell scrip as an additional method, but it would become lot of methods to show in the the downlaod page.
    We are not experts, we are interedted in other proposal being compatible with easyness for everyone.

  • Marshall

    Marshall - 2017-05-19

    Here are fixed debian packaging files. No lintian warnings at all. Everything important like removal of the old "malformed" repo packages or the removal of the conffiles is handled in the maintainer scripts preinst and postrm. I hope that helps.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2017-05-22

    Fixed, in next release.

  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2017-05-22
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-fixed
  • Jerome Martinez

    Jerome Martinez - 2017-05-22
    • Group: Crash --> Usability

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