
#482 If add imbdid to episode after already scraped: actor issues


If you try to add an imbdid to an episode that was already scraped and use the rescrape wizard to add missing actors it will add the IMDB actors correTcly but it will also add all the tv show actors from TMDB. This is if you use iMDB as episdoe actor source and TMDB for main actor source. I think you accidentally linked TMDB show actors with IMDB episode actors.


  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    It doesnt do this issue if the imdbid was already present when you scraped the episodes the first time it correctly displays what IMDB shows for the actors it might be related to the rescrape wizard. It only does this if you add a missing imdb to an episode it copies the actors from the tv show actors when you do the rescrape wizard and do episode actors only.

  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    It only does it if you have TMDB for the actor source episode source for your show it doesn't do it for tvdb. If the imdbid is present when scraping an episode for first time it wont happen .

  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    In short, if TMDB is the episode actor source, it will honor the imdbid episode actor source and will only the use actors from IMDB when scraping and adding an episode for the first time. However, if you manually add imdid and then use the rescrape wizard to rescrape and add the episode actors, both TMDB and IMDB episode actor sources will be used for that episode.


    Last edit: kolby 2024-07-19
  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    It seems it only happens carrying over the actors when you add a imdbid if its linked to an actual show on tmdb or tvdb. It doesnt do it for custom shows like Three Stooges, Little Rascals, excetra.


    Last edit: kolby 2024-07-19
  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    Maybe add a rewrite nfo option for just episodes as well in the rescrape wizard forwhen you add the imdid and rescrape episode actors that way it will update the actors directly from the scrape episode scrape source instead of simply carrying over both since it only does it if you manually add a imdid?
    Sorry just an idea it might help.


    Last edit: kolby 2024-07-19
  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    I tried it with imdb only for both same issue occured it seems it only happens if you manually add an imdbid it carries over actors and stll uses the imdb actor source.


    Last edit: kolby 2024-07-19
  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    I think you might need to renable Don't duplicate series actors into episodes in TV Prefences since i tried that check box and it doesnt work at for any episode alll the series actors are still carried over when you do it I think you accidetnally had those two options the Enable TV Show actors to be dupliacted and Dont Duplicate series actors linked together i think that is what is causign the series actors to be duplicated when i add the imdbid manually.

    Never mind that isnt the problem it only occurs if manuallly add an imdid


    Last edit: kolby 2024-07-19
  • kolby

    kolby - 2024-07-19

    Nevermind i fixed it myself i just copied the settings from the pc verson to my flash drive version and it fixed the issue.
    You can close this.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-07-21

    Closing tick on request.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-07-21
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Rob

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