
Possible Rescrape Issue

  • Thomas Robinson

    Thomas Robinson - 2024-08-13

    So, I have it set to 20 actors when scraping, but for TV series it scrapes a max of 20 for the show, then adds actors from each episode, which I don't want. CHEERS for example had like 410ish actor images.

    What I did in the past was wipe out all the jpgs in the actor folder, or just delete the actor folder. Right-click on the series and use Re-Scraper Wizard, and click actors under series. Then it will just scrape the series level not episode.

    Not doing that anymore. I rescraped the entire series of Solar Opposites because I deleted my old copy and added a better one. I clicked on Cheers, after deleted the 410+ images I used the wizard to scrape actors and it added Solar Opposites actors. I deleted actors from nfo file, deleted actor folder, refreshed from nfo and tried again, and Solar Opposites.

    So, I deleted Caches/Missing/SeriesXML and started MediaCompanion up again and this time it worked.

    I then clicked Wonderfalls, actor folder deleted, used the wizard and got Cheers....

    Seems to ignore what is currently chosen and uses what was last scraped.

    I guess 2 things then

    1 - Possible bug
    2 - Possible feature... I want the 20max actors for the series, but none of the episodes because some series like Cheers, Game of Thrones, Night Court, etc... the folder is huge.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-08-13

    OK, so your after an option to not scrape episode guest actors?
    Or not to download the episode guest actors images?

    I also think you have some issues with MC, specially if your rescraping Cheers, and MC is working on Solar Opposite.
    Specially since if you do a Refresh or empty caches, MC behaves itself.

    If I recall, you mention you have MC in your C: Drive, like C:\MC ? Which should be fine. But maybe you need to take ownership of this folder, as some issues may be caused by security issues.
    Definitely don't have MC extracted and running from your Desktop.

  • Thomas Robinson

    Thomas Robinson - 2024-08-14

    Hey... ya, like when I do the rescrape wizard, I can choose actors from TV Series or Episodes.

    When I scrape a series, I get both, and again, some series like Cheers, have over 400 image files. So, I delete the .actors folder, and rescrape wizard the series selecting TV Series Actors only, then I get a list under 25.

    In preferences, I have (under Actors tab) the max number for TV and Movies set to 25. Which works when adding the series... but when you scrape the episodes, that 25 max is ignored and it just adds a pile more.

    Under the Preferences>Actors tab, maybe have a check box to enable/disable episode actors?

    Good memory... I have C:\Media Companion. Not sure about ownership though... not sure if screen shots help at all. Maybe the read-only? Though hard to say what inside the folder is set to R/O.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-08-14

    So the limits set in the Actors tab of Preferences is only for the limit of Series Actors.

    I can add an option to disable downloading of episode actor images, under the Series Actor limit in Actor Tab.

  • Thomas Robinson

    Thomas Robinson - 2024-08-14

    Sounds good...

    How about the rescrape issue where it scrapes the previous show scraped? Do I have to delete the cache folder each time?

    Not often it happens. Started because I did a rescrape of all series for series status, and series names... because TMDB has the habit of changing stuff. As a result, episodes that were fine before wouldn't scrape now for various reasons... had to fix some, and revert to TVDB for others.

    Everything seems fine now, but also seemed fine 6 months ago. :D

    Not a Media Companion issue... just stuff like, 2 part episodes of cheers on the DVD originally aired as a single episode so now 1 episode according to TMDB. Or TRON, S01E01 is now S00E01... stuff like that, that will probably change again in 6 months.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-08-14

    How about the rescrape issue where it scrapes the previous show scraped? Do I have to delete the cache folder each time?

    Can you open a ticket, describe steps to reproduce.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2024-08-14

    Option is added to Preferences -> Actors Tab. You can select to Not save Guest Actor Image for Episodes. Guest actors will still be listed in the nfo for the episode.


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