
meadow / News: Recent posts

Alpha release

This is the first release of Meadow, a Java-based generic real-time networked multi-player wargame engine. Please note it is currently missing many features, is buggy, and dog ugly: this release is intended for potential developers only, i.e. people who may be interested in helping improve it.

Posted by Nigel Phillips 2001-12-01

New meadow developer

Project Meadow, which aims to produce a java-based real-time wargame engine, is pleased to announce that it has a new developer. John Schulze (skunkyops) has been granted CVS access and is currently familiarising himself with the code. Welcome, John!

Posted by Nigel Phillips 2001-04-03

Bug Priority

All bugs with priority>5 are to be fixed pre-alpha.

Posted by Nigel Phillips 2001-03-03


I've decided to make a roadmap, and here it is: alpha, beta, 1.0... :-)
Seriously, I think 115107 and 121140 HAVE to be fixed pre-alpha.
115114, 121142, and 119894 may get pushed back to beta.

115109 and 115100 are delayed indefinitely, since I can't do them.
Will have to hope someone jumps in when they see the alpha.

Posted by Nigel Phillips 2001-02-13

Major changes

After a break of a few months, work on meadow has now resumed. Some fairly major changes have been checked in over the past week or so, a few bugs have been squashed, and the javadocs have been updated.
Still a long way from alpha release though :-/

Posted by Nigel Phillips 2001-01-25


I (eventually) found a pre-compiled SSH binary [thanks to whoever runs that website, (lost the URL now)] and I *think* I just uploaded my source to the CVS server.
Now I gotta find out how to strip out those class files :-/

Posted by Nigel Phillips 2000-09-28

Source availability

Source, instructions, documentation etc will be available when I've managed to compile a version of SSH (and figured out how to use CVS - doh!).

Posted by Nigel Phillips 2000-09-21