
MDDriver / News: Recent posts

MDDriver 1.0 released

Version 1.0 has been cleaned up quite substantially and lots of bugs have been corrected. Support for Gromacs 4.0.5 has started. Currently it only works in mono-processor setups. Using multiple tasks via MPI has yet to be implemented in a future version.

Posted by Marc Baaden 2009-08-07

First articles on MDDriver published.

Ferey, N., Delalande, O., Grasseau, G., Baaden, M.,
From interactive to immersive molecular dynamics, Proceedings of Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (Eurographics VRIPHYS 2008), pp (2008)

Ferey, N., Delalande, O., Grasseau, G., Baaden, M.,
A VR framework for interacting with molecular simulations, Proceedings of Virtual Reality
Software and Technology (ACM VRST 2008), 91-94 (2008)

Posted by Marc Baaden 2008-11-18

MDDriver in the news!

We made it to iSGTW's Image of the week! - Molecular dynamics on DEISA: lipids, licorice and lines.

Posted by Marc Baaden 2008-11-18