
#120 Enhancement to PostgreSQL dump facility


When the Access DB is dumped to PostgrSQL format .sql file table and column names get double quotes if there is a non alphanumeric in the name most likely a space. When psql reads the file into an empty database anything not double quoted get folded to lower case.
For the conversion target I am using FastAPI with SQLModel using the table to class and column to class element as defined in Access. Since SQLModel plays into SQLAlchemy it double quotes all the table and column names before passing them in but they are already case folded so I get an empty result. If I fix the query so I get data then the Pydantic layer up above fails because the naming doesn't match.

I think this would all work if the table and column names were all double quoted which would cause psql and PostgreSQL to now observe the original naming. I have several options, I could rewrite the SQLModels and the code that uses them which is most of the code, edit the MDBAdmin dump output or switch to a different database. The original database had 176 tables, the portion I am porting has about 50 tables to give you an idea of acale.

My summary question, would it be possible to add a check mark to the PostgreSQL formatter option to always double quote table and column names wherever used?

I have found MDBAdmin to be an excellent tool. The application I am converting is on WindowsXP/Access 2002 and has had no love since 2005.

Let me know if I missed something or if there is a better alternative.
I am using Windows 10 and the latest version of MDBAdmin

Thanks for your kind consideration,
Ron McOuat


  • Marciel Degasperi

    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Marciel Degasperi
  • Marciel Degasperi

    • status: accepted --> closed
  • Marciel Degasperi

    Hi Ron,
    Thanks for the suggestion. Your request has been implemented in version 2.5.8.
    Best regards.


    Last edit: Marciel Degasperi 2023-07-27
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-07-28

    Thanks very much, excellent.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-07-29

    Tested 100% thanks. I am traveling now is there a way I can donate?



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