
Two new important commits

I made two new Commits: one for trunk and one for jME 2.0 branch.

The branch modifications are more recent than the trunk one.

These new changes do not resolve the problems with marine and bope animations.

Methods to compute Quaternion operations are all included into MD5R2R, now. Some jME Quaternion class methods are unreliable and produce unespected results.
In particular, in the branch version, now all these methods return void. The result quaternion is now passed as a method parameter (it is somewhat a C style of doing things).

Animating mesh, according to bones deformations is already possible.

Somewhere (in the trunk or the branch) the code should contain commented code that can animate mesh and not only skeleton.

But no interpolation, neither Controllers are still supported. It is simply a kind of "step animation".

Have fun

Posted by ender_saka 2008-11-02

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