
Switch to SVN, new member, migration to jME 2.0, wiki update

A bunch of news from the last days

First of all, I moved the "/src/org/md5reader2" to the Subversion repository. Then, the code of MD5 Reader 2 Refactor (abbreviated MD5R2R), is now separated from the old MD5 Reader code, that I leaved in CVS repository.
From now on, all the changes to MD5R2R have to be commited to (though, reference to page for SVN related tasks).

We have a new member developer. I added him today. Welcome Galun!
He is the author of World of Mistery ( a MMORPG based on jME.
In the past, we already started a collaboration for his project. But he got busy with another project and temporary abbandoned WoM.
Some days ago I met him on jME IRC channel and he told me that WoM is up again. WoM need a loader for animated characters (it seems that none of the currently available loaders are reliable enough). I hope that MD5R2R will become a foundamental piece of code for WoM.

Meanwhile, Galun has already started contributing with some code. In particular it is already available his patch to migrate the MD5R2R code to jME 2.0.
A branch of the full project with the patch already applied is available at

Finally, I made a lot of updates to the Wiki documentation ( Take a look to it. There are lot of usefull informations.

Marco Frisan

Posted by ender_saka 2008-09-29

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