Magno Tairone - 2017-09-14

Dear all,

I've started developing my own modules implementing functions and distributions to be used in JAGS. So far, they work properly for univariate distributions. After that, I tried to implement multivariate cases. As a start, I focused on simply implementing the multivariate normal distribution, using the class ArrayDist, which is located in the JAGS subfolder /srs/include/distribution. By Inheriting from this class, I'm required to implement a random sampler for this distribution within the function randomsample(...). Based on the DMNorm class, which is in the JAGS subfolder /src/modules/bugs/distributions/DMNorm.h, I've implemented (just for testing) my own version of this distribution called dmnorm2 (which has exactly the same code as dmnorm). After having installed my module, I was able to sample from my distribution (using R2jags R package) in a simple model such as the following

model {
    theta[1:n] ~ dmnorm2(zero, sigma) 

where zero is a vector of zeros and sigma is a precision matrix. However, when I try to run a full Bayesian model including the likelihood and prior distributions, I get the following error

Error in jags.model(model.file, data = data, inits = init.values, n.chains = n.chains, :
Error in node theta
Unable to find appropriate sampler)

which I believe it is related to JAGS not being able to sample from the posterior distribution when using my module. I'd like to emphasize two points: (i) the original dmnorm function works properly in the experiments above; (ii) my module is installing properly (no error messages for instalation). Do you have any idea of what is missing in the development of my multivariate distribution for JAGS?