
Inconsistent results with Weibull regression?

  • Gianluca Baio

    Gianluca Baio - 2015-12-23

    Dear list,
    I am probably missing something obvious here, but I seem to have some inconsistent results using a Weibull regression model --- I'm trying to compare the results obtained using MLE (flexsurv), Bayesian analysis using INLA and Bayesian analysis using MCMC (via JAGS, of course).

    I have a set of survival data for two treatment arms. Say these are data from a cancer trial, where the "event" is death but patients may also exit the observation because they progress to a worse health state. So my data look like this

            ID_patient time censored treat
    1            1 0.03        0   0
    2            2 0.03        0   0
    4            3 0.92        0   0
    3           91 0.79        1   0 
    5           92 1.25        1   0
    6           93 1.44        1   0
    190        190 0.03        0   1
    191        191 0.03        0   1
    192        192 0.03        0   1
    195        193 1.61        0   1

    Notice that patient no. 91 is censored because they progress (after 0.79 time units) and so we don't know whether they die (in this subset of the data).

    My understanding is that INLA and JAGS have the same parameterisation for the Weibull model, in terms of a shape parameter and a function of the linear predictor, say lambda. So, in JAGS, my model is the following:

    model {
       for (i in 1:n) {
          is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i],censored[i])
          t[i] ~ dweib(shape,lambda[i])
          eta[i] <- beta0 + beta1*treat[i]
          lambda[i] <- exp(eta[i])
       beta0 ~ dnorm(0,  
       beta1 ~ dnorm(1,prec.fe.inla)
       shape ~ dgamma(shape.inla,rate.inla)
       scale <- pow(exp(beta0),-1/shape)
       effect <- pow(exp(beta1),-1/shape)

    Here, I'm also rescaling the coefficients in the linear predictor (beta0 and beta1) to estimate the scale and the treatment effect so that these could be compared with the standard output from flexsurv. I can do similar re-scaling in INLA.

    I manipulate the original data (which I can directly feed to both flexsurv and INLA) to create a suitable list for JAGS, like so:

    dataJags <- list(t=ifelse(data$censored==0,data$time,NA),
                     # These are the same priors as in the default INLA
                     prec.fe.inla= 0.001, 

    and the initial values like so:

    inits <- function(){

    The JAGS model runs, but (here's where I may be missing the obvious point!) I do get weird results for the coefficient beta1 (and hence its rescaled version effect).

    Here's the output from flexsurv:

                    data mean  est      L95%     U95%     se       exp(est)  L95%     U95%   
    shape    NA     1.8164   1.6134   2.0449   0.1098       NA        NA       NA
    scale    NA    10.2210   9.1617  11.4026   0.5705       NA        NA       NA
    treat   0.4850  0.3420   0.1744   0.5097   0.0855   1.4078    1.1905   1.6648

    the one from INLA

    Fixed effects:
                   mean     sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant    mode kld
    (Intercept) -3.9664 0.2016    -4.3405  -3.9642    -3.5959 -3.9544   0
    treat1      -0.6005 0.1549    -0.9066  -0.5999    -0.2982 -0.5986   0
    Model hyperparameters:
                                mean   sd     0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode  
    alpha parameter for weibull 1.6968 0.0997 1.5070     1.6948   1.8989     1.6918

    (NB: you could compute (Intercept)^(1/-alpha) to get a value that is comparable to the scale from flexsurv and similarly treat1^(1/-alpha) to get a similar value to the treatment effect from the MLE analysis)

    and the one from JAGS

     n.sims = 1000 iterations saved
           mu.vect sd.vect   2.5%  97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    beta0   -4.013   0.226 -4.444 -3.568 1.004   380
    beta1   -0.139   0.142 -0.413  0.127 1.007   220
    effect   1.090   0.093  0.925  1.280 1.008   200
    scale   11.027   0.720  9.690 12.510 1.006   370
    shape    1.674   0.094  1.487  1.862 1.001  1000

    As you can see, the estimate for the shape and beta0 (hence the scale) are kind of in line with the other methods. However, beta1 (and hence the effect) are way off the MLE and INLA analysis.

    Is there an obvious reason why this should happen, that I just don't see? Or a blatant difference in the way that the censoring is taken into account (but even if so, I am not sure why this would affect the coefficient for the treatment effect only)?

    Many thanks!


    Last edit: Martyn Plummer 2016-01-04
  • Martyn Plummer

    Martyn Plummer - 2016-01-05

    There are two distinct parameterizations of the Weibull distribution and you cannot switch back and forth between them so easily. In fact you can only do this when the Weibull observations are independent and identically distributed. In a regression model, the two parameterizations have different interpretations: one is the accelerated life model and the other is the proportional hazards model.

    R uses the shape/scale parameterization of the Weibull distribution. Hence the survreg function in the survival package and the flexsurvreg function from the flexsurv package use the same parameterization for regression models, which leads to the accelerated life model.

    You can fit an accelerated life model in JAGS with the Weibull distribution but you must use the generalized gamma distribution dgen.gamma and not the Weibull distribution. A reproducible demonstration is given below

    library(flexsurv) <- flexsurvreg(Surv(recyrs, censrec) ~ group,
                          data = bc, dist="weibull")
    jags.model <- "model {
       for (i in 1:length(t)) {
          is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i], tcens[i])
          t[i] ~ dgen.gamma(1, lambda[i], shape)
          log(lambda[i]) <- alpha + beta[group[i]]
       alpha ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
       beta[1] <- 0
       beta[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
       beta[3] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
       shape ~ dexp(0.01)
       scale <- exp(-alpha)
       groupMedium <- -beta[2]
       groupPoor <- -beta[3]
    }"    <- with(bc,
                      list("is.censored" = (censrec==0),
                           "tcens" = recyrs,
                           "t" = ifelse(censrec==1, recyrs, NA),
                           "group" = as.numeric(group)))
    jags.inits <- with(,
                       list("t"=ifelse(is.censored, tcens+0.1, NA)))
    m <- jags.model(textConnection(jags.model),
    update(m, 1000)
    s <- coda.samples(m, c("shape", "scale", "groupMedium", "groupPoor"),

    Comparing results (and cutting out some details from the printed output) shows compatible results

                  data mean  est      L95%     U95%     se
    shape             NA     1.3797   1.2548   1.5170   0.0668 
    scale             NA    11.4229   9.1818  14.2110   1.2728 
    groupMedium   0.3338    -0.6136  -0.8623  -0.3649   0.1269 
    groupPoor     0.3324    -1.2122  -1.4583  -0.9661   0.1256
    > print(summary(s)[[1]][,1:2], 3)
                             Mean     SD
    groupMedium -0.634 0.1230
    groupPoor   -1.235 0.1177
    scale       11.813 1.3392
    shape        1.368 0.0677

    INLA uses the alternative proportional hazards parameterization of the Weibull distribution, and so does the dweib distribution in BUGS.

    model <- inla.surv(recyrs, censrec) ~ group <- inla(model, family="weibull", data=bc)
    jags.model2 <- "model {
       for (i in 1:length(t)) {
          is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i], tcens[i])
          t[i] ~ dweib(shape, lambda[i])
          log(lambda[i]) <- alpha + beta[group[i]]
       alpha ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
       beta[1] <- 0
       beta[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
       beta[3] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
       shape ~ dexp(0.01)
       Intercept <- alpha
       groupMedium <- beta[2]
       groupPoor <- beta[3]
    m <- jags.model(textConnection(jags.model2),
    update(m, 10000)
    s <- coda.samples(m, c("shape", "Intercept", "groupMedium", "groupPoor"),
                      n.iter=10000, thin=10)

    Note the long run for the JAGS model. Unfortunately the mixing is rather poor with this parameterization (This is fixable but will have to wait for a future release). If you run the chain long enough then you do get compatible results between JAGS and INLA, as shown below (and again removing some extraneous details).

    > summary(
    Fixed effects:
                   mean     sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant    mode kld
    (Intercept) -3.3189 0.1593    -3.6391  -3.3162    -3.0148 -3.3109   0
    groupMedium  0.8446 0.1712     0.5137   0.8427     1.1859  0.8390   0
    groupPoor    1.6630 0.1637     1.3486   1.6607     1.9912  1.6559   0
    The model has no random effects
    Model hyperparameters:
                                 mean     sd 0.025quant 0.5quant
    alpha parameter for weibull 1.351 0.0638      1.228    1.349
                                0.975quant  mode
    alpha parameter for weibull      1.479 1.348
    > print(summary(s)[[1]][,1:2], digits=3)
                  Mean     SD
    Intercept   -3.372 0.1750
    groupMedium  0.844 0.1735
    groupPoor    1.674 0.1703
    shape        1.384 0.0635

    Small differences between JAGS and INLA results may be due to the choice of prior: I have not made an effort to use the INLA prior in the JAGS model.


    Last edit: Martyn Plummer 2016-01-05
    • Arlene Jiang

      Arlene Jiang - 2024-04-15

      Hi Martyn,

      Your code and explanations above has been incredibly helpful for building Weibull AFT models in JAGS. I'm hoping to run simulations based on this model. I've attached my model of interest below (it's a simpler case - I'm interested in whether people are treated or not - 'treat'). After hundreds of repeated runs, I've been running into "Error in node alpha - Current value is inconsistent with data". What am I missing here? Thanks!

      model {
         for (i in 1:length(t)) {
            is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i], tcens[i])
            t[i] ~ dgen.gamma(1, lambda[i], shape)
            log(lambda[i]) <- alpha + beta[trt[i]]
         alpha ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
         beta[1] <- 0
         beta[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
         shape ~ dexp(0.01)
         scale <- exp(-alpha)
         treat <- -beta[2]

      This was happened around a seedNum, 57 and c=0.15 on my system.

      numObs <- 125 # per arm
      dat <- data.frame((matrix(NA, nrow = numObs*2, ncol = 3)))
      colnames(dat) <- c("time", "delta", "trt")
        # Generate data
        Y0 <- rweibull(numObs, 0.5, 4)
        Y1 <- rweibull(numObs, 0.5, 4+ exp(0.5))
        # Clean
        dat$time <- c(Y0, Y1)
        dat$delta <- sample(c(0,1), size=numObs*2, prob=c(c, 1-c), replace=T)
        dat$trt <- c(rep(0,numObs), rep(1,numObs))
      <- with(dat,
                                list("is.censored" = (delta==0),
                                     "tcens" = time,
                                     "t" = ifelse(delta==1, time, NA),
                                     "trt" = trt+1))
      inits1 <- with(,
                             list("t"=ifelse(is.censored, tcens+0.1, NA_real_),
                                  "" = "base::Wichmann-Hill", 
                                  .RNG.seed = 1))
      inits2 <- with(,
                             list("t"=ifelse(is.censored, tcens+0.1, NA_real_),
                                  "" = "base::Wichmann-Hill", 
                                  .RNG.seed = 2))
      inits3 <- with(,
                             list("t"=ifelse(is.censored, tcens+0.1, NA_real_),
                                  "" = "base::Wichmann-Hill", 
                                  .RNG.seed = 3))
      params <- c("shape", "scale", "treat")
      cl <- makePSOCKcluster(3)
      tmp <- clusterEvalQ(cl, library(dclone))
       pm <- jags.parfit(cl,, params,modelString, 
                                inits=list(inits1, inits2, inits3))
      # I also saw this error before parallelizing the code.  
      #  m <- jags.model(textConnection(jags.model),
       #        ,
       #                  inits=list(inits1, inits2, inits3), n.chains=3)

      Last edit: Arlene Jiang 2024-04-15
      • Martyn Plummer

        Martyn Plummer - 2024-04-19

        The issue seems to be that you need to set the initial values for some of the parameters explicitly. In my modified version of your example below, I have explicitly set the parameters shape, scale, and treat and this seems to work.

        seedNum <- 160424
        tlast <- 1 # Censoring time
        ## Data-generating parameter values
        shape0 <- 0.5
        scale0 <- 4
        treat0 <- 0.5
        numObs <- 125 # per arm
        dat <- data.frame((matrix(NA, nrow = numObs*2, ncol = 3)))
        colnames(dat) <- c("time", "delta", "trt")
        ## Generate data
        Y0 <- rweibull(numObs, shape=shape0, scale=scale0)
        Y1 <- rweibull(numObs, shape=shape0, scale=scale0*exp(treat0))
        ## Clean
        dat$time <- c(Y0, Y1)
        dat$trt <- c(rep(0, numObs), rep(1, numObs))
        dat$is.censored <- dat$time > tlast
        ## Check censoring
        sprintf("Censored proportion %.2f", mean(dat$is.censored))
        <- with(dat,
                          list("is.censored" = as.numeric(is.censored),
                               "tcens" = ifelse(is.censored, tlast, Inf),
                               "t" = ifelse(is.censored, NA, time),
                               "trt" = trt+1))
        inits1 <- with(,
                       list("t"=ifelse(is.censored, tcens+0.1, NA_real_),
                            "shape" = 0.5,
                            "alpha"= 4,
                            "beta"=c(NA, exp(0.5)),
                            "" = "base::Wichmann-Hill",
                            .RNG.seed = 1))
        inits2 <- with(,
                       list("t"=ifelse(is.censored, tcens+0.1, NA_real_),
                            "shape" = 0.5,
                            "alpha"= 4,
                            "beta"=c(NA, exp(0.5)),
                            "" = "base::Wichmann-Hill",
                            .RNG.seed = 2))
        inits3 <- with(,
                       list("t"=ifelse(is.censored, tcens+0.1, NA_real_),
                            "shape" = 0.5,
                            "alpha"= 4,
                            "beta"=c(NA, exp(0.5)),
                            "" = "base::Wichmann-Hill",
                            .RNG.seed = 3))
        params <- c("shape", "scale", "treat")
        m <- jags.model("model.bug",
                        inits=list(inits1, inits2, inits3), n.chains=3)
        update(m, 5000)
        s <- coda.samples(m, c("shape", "scale", "treat"), n.iter=2000)

        There is another issue with your example. Your mechanism for removing observations is not censoring. They way you have set it up, the missing values are "missing completely at random", using the usual Little-Rubin terminology for missing data. This form of missingness is ignorable and you do not need to encode the missing data mechanism in your bugs code. In my version, the missing data are right-censored, i.e. any failure after the censoring time tcens is not observed: we know only that the failure did not occur before this time. To model this data you need the dinterval distribution in JAGS.

    • Beilei He

      Beilei He - 2024-07-21

      Thank you Martyn,

      in your jags.model2:

      jags.model2 <- "model {
      for (i in 1:length(t)) {
      is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i], tcens[i])
      t[i] ~ dweib(shape, lambda[i])
      log(lambda[i]) <- alpha + beta[group[i]]
      alpha ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
      beta[1] <- 0
      beta[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
      beta[3] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6)
      shape ~ dexp(0.01)
      Intercept <- alpha
      groupMedium <- beta[2]
      groupPoor <- beta[3]

      how can we get scale like in jags. Model : scale <- exp(-alpha)?

      thank you


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