
Settings File


Settings File

There are currently 6 settings files:

  • Default: the default world style
  • Default Extra Snow: default world style with snow in lower altitudes
  • Desert Dunes: sandy desert style with occasional plains
  • Pointy Islands: very sharp peaks forming islands
  • Rolling Countryside: very little water and fewer trees with more grassy plains
  • Giant Mountains: taller mountains with 256 height cap (will require more memory)

Editing a settings file:

The settings files are located in the generator jar files in "settings files".

The settings file can be viewed and edited with NBTExplorer.
I recommend copying an existing file to edit rather than making a new file from scratch.
The settings file is a compressed NBT file with two tags:

  • Version: the version of the HGMG.jar this file is meant to be used with. Important for when an old settings file is used with a newer version of the program
  • Settings: contains the settings used by the generator.

The descriptions for each of these settings is below, grouped by the version of the program that they were introduced in. An item with strikethrough means it was later removed.

Note that you may need to read the source code to fully understand what some settings do.

Version 0.93

  • chunkheight - how tall the generated world can be (max allowed is 256)

Version 0.9

  • chestdensity - how many chests to generate per 100x100 block area
  • numchests - relative number of each tier chest to make
  • gensuperchest - will generate the super chest

Version 0.85

  • gentraps - will generate traps
  • numtraps - how many traps to generate
  • numfarms - how many farms to place

Version 0.8

  • heightscale - how much to scale the height of the terrain (highest terrain level)
  • heightoffset - lowest terrain level
  • genstructures - generate forts/towers/houses
  • isisland - will map be an island
  • genwolves - will generate wolf pack
  • genwater - will generate ocean/lakes
  • gencaves - will generate caves
  • genchests - will generate loot chests
  • gentrees - will generate trees
  • genxp - will generate xp orbs
  • oceanlevel - how high the water level will be
  • highaltitude - how high snow level will be
  • desertlevel - how high the desert can exist above the ocean
  • plainslevel - the level the biome noise should exceed for plains
  • forestlevel - the level the biome noise should exceed for forest
  • wallheight - how high the bedrock wall should be
  • stonecoverthickness - how many blocks to put on top of the stone base
  • treechance - highest chance of generating trees in forest biome
  • minleafheight - minimum distance between ground and leaves
  • maxtreeheight - highest possible tree height
  • branchchance - chance to generate branches on a tree
  • forestgrasschance - chance to generate grass in a forest
  • forestmushroomchance - chance to generate mushrooms in a forest
  • plainsgrasschance - chance to generate grass in a plain
  • shrubchance - chance to generate shrubs in a desert
  • cactuschance - chance to generate cacti in a desert
  • numchests - how many tier I, II, III, IV chests to make
  • numXP - how many XP bonuses to place
  • numwolves - how many wolves to place in the generated pack
  • numtowers - how many enchanting towers to place
  • numhouses - how many crafting table houses to place
  • numforts - how many forts to place
  • numcaves - how many caves to generate
  • cavehalfheight - mean height/2 of cave ellipsoids
  • caveradius - mean radius of cave ellipsoids
  • cavelength - mean cave length
  • caveslope - slope of ground must exceed this for cave to generate
  • cavechestchance - chance to spawn a chest in a cave
  • cavespawnerchance - chance to put a spawner in a cave
  • terrainscale - the planar scaling of the terrain
  • biomescale - the planar scaling of the biome noise
  • sharpnessscale - the planar scaling of the sharpness noise
  • octaves - how many octaves to use in the perlin noise
  • octave_falloff - how much each successive octave contributes


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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-06-13

    how do you get this

    • skaterzero807

      skaterzero807 - 2012-06-13

      they are in the "settings files" folder and you can edit them with NBTExplorer



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