
Command line option

Jan Rohlicek

MCE's command line option:

MCE does not show output to the terminal. You have to redirect output to the file
Use '>' for this purpose, e. g. mce.exe -? > log.txt

-h or -?
Shows this help. MCE does not show it to the terminal output. Redirect it to the file e.g. by mce.exe -? > log.txt

OpenGL setting (StereoHW)

OpenGL setting (StereoInterlaced)

OpenGL setting (StereoVertical)

OpenGL setting (StereoAnaglyph)

-lcp [level1 level2 level3]
level control primary map settings
This argument needs 3 values

-lcs [level1 level2 level3]
level control secondary map settings
This argument needs 3 values

-layer_enable_p [0|1 0|1 0|1]
enable primary map layers
This argument needs 3 values. disable = 0, enable = 1

-layer_enable_s [0|1 0|1 0|1]
enable secondary map layers
This argument needs 3 values. disable = 0, enable = 1

-pmt [float_number]
Primary map transparency.
The number has to be in the range of <0,1> or -1 means no transparency.

-smt [float_number]
Secondary map transparency.
The number has to be in the range of <0,1> or -1 means no transparency.

-uca [0|1]
Unit cell axes visibility; 1=visible, 0=hidden

-map_edges [0|1]
Visibility of the map's edges; 1=visible, 0=hidden

-mds [0|1|2|3|4|5]
Molecule display style. 0=off, 1=line, 2=cylinder
3=ball and line, 4=ball and cylinder, 5=scaled ball

-eld_line_style [0|1]
ELD map display style. 0=lines, 1=cylinders

Data type

Data type

-color [plevel1|plevel2|plevel3|slevel1|slevel2|level3|bg|pmsh1|pmsh2|smsh1|smsh2] [r g b]
Color settings. This argument can be used more than once.
each color option needs 3 values red, green and blue [0-255]
e.g. mce.exe -color bg 0 0 0
e.g. mce.exe -color plevel1 255 0 0 -color plevel2 0 255 0

-eld_mode [prim|sec] [0|1|2|3]
Map mode: 0=contour lines, 1=surface,
2=contour and surface, 3=off
e.g. mce.exe -eld_mode prim 2 -eld_mode sec 0
note: The surface mode turns off level2 and level3

-eld_normals [prim|sec] [0|1]
Surface normals. 0=normal, 1=reverse

-output [crystals|xyz|m40] [file_name]
crystals=CRYSTALS file format, xyz=general format, m40=JANA2006 compatible file format
file_name=ful path of the file
It creates output file automatically after closing the MCE.
Output file contains coordinates of inserted atoms (yellow balls).
If there isn't any inserted atom in the scene, the file is empty
The old file of the same name is automatically deleted when MCE starts.

-pm [0|1]
Projection mode: 0 - perspective, 1 - orthographic

-sg [space group name]
Setting of the space group. Use "" if the the name contains white spaces! e.g. "P 21 21 21"
Note that cif file already contains space group and equivalent positions. This setting will change space group loaded from the cif file as well.

To load file use just file name as the FIRST argument (with full path if the file is not in the same directory)
e.g. mce.exe map1.fou map2.fou
another expample:
mce.exe map1.fou map2.fou atoms.cif -lcp 0.1 0 -0.1 -lcs 0.5 0.2 -0.3
note: use quatation marks for paths with white spaces!
e.g. mce.exe "c:\my folder\map1.fou"