
McDPF / News: Recent posts

Version 0.3 is now available

The big update here is WPA support. Unfortunately, this bloated the package significantly as I needed several packages to provide *good* WPA support. But it works! Also added the ability to upgrade versions through the web interface. It won't do you any good for this version, but it should for the next.

Posted by Mike Scannell 2008-05-09

Version 0.2 is now available

The main improvements are better FrameChannel support (including support in the GUI), and a fix for an annoying bug which could cause lots of reboots. Full details of the changes are available in the release notes.

Posted by Mike Scannell 2008-04-26

First Release Is Out!

A release is available! I certainly won't call this project done, or even stable. But I would say it's working well enough for typical use (I have one at home and work). More features coming soon. If you have any problems, please log them in the tracker.

Posted by Mike Scannell 2008-04-14

First Release Coming Soon...

I'm working to get some basic documentation into the Wiki. Then I want to take a dry run through the complete installation to make sure everything works (hopefully this weekend). And then I'll put the first release up here. Stay tuned!

Posted by Mike Scannell 2008-04-09