

Rupesh Shrestha

Version 2.1

  • Released: 8 January 2013
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-setup.exe
    • Fixed an issue with the program not recording lower left XY coordinates properly in output ascii grid files.
    • Fixed the bug where the program crashed with larger scale and threshold parameters (ticket [#36])

Version 2.0

  • Released: 8 January 2013
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-setup.exe
    • Code updated to conform with the latest version 1.7.0 of libLAS library and OSGeo4W distribution.
    • The code now compiles against the recent version 1.51.0 of the boost library (ticket [#46]).

Version 1.0

Final Release

  • Released: 1 July 2011
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-setup.exe
    • The header in the *.las output file now indicates that the file was generated by MCC-LIDAR
      (ticket [#20]).
    • When too many output files are specified, the program now lists them in the error message
      (ticket [#29]).
    • Fixed the bug where the program crashed while searching for points with the same X,Y
      coordinates (ticket [#45]).
    • Added short options for --help (-h) and --version (-v) (ticket [#7]).

Known Issues

  • Sometimes the program will crash on Windows with large scale and threshold parameters (ticket [#36]). A workaround is available.

Release Candidate 4

  • Released: 13 May 2011
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0rc4-setup.exe
    • Fixed the bug where the program crashed with singular matrix error while interpolating the
      ground surface for the *.asc output file (ticket [#38]).
    • Modified the program so that it now assigns the classification value 1 (for "unclassified")
      to all the points that it doesn't classify as ground (ticket [#43]).

Release Candidate 3

  • Released: 14 December 2010
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0rc3-setup.exe
    • Discovered that the wrong QA release was distributed as release candidate 2. To help with
      managing releases, the output from the --version option was modified to include the revision
      number of the source code used to build a particular release (ticket [#37]).

Release Candidate 2

  • Released: 9 December 2010
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0rc2-setup.exe
    • Modified the program to handle duplicate points, i.e, points with the same X,Y,Z coordinates,
      in the input file (tickets [#34], [#35]).
    • Modified how the program responds to a singular matrix error during surface interpolation.
      Instead of reporting the error and stopping, the program now adds a nearby point to the set
      of points for a spline calculation and restarts the calculation. It repeats this process
      of adding a point and restarting the spline calculation until the singular matrix error
      doesn't occur (ticket [#30]).

Release Candidate 1

  • Released: 8 August 2010
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0rc1-setup.exe
    • Changed the surface interpolation so that every cell in ground-surface output files has a value
      (ticket [#27]).
    • The X,Y coordinates of the extent of the input LAS file are reported in floating-point numeric
      format instead of exponential format (ticket [#2]).

Beta 5 Release

  • Released: 9 July 2010
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0b5-setup.exe
    • Fixed a bug which was causing too many NODATA cells in the ground-surface output file (ticket [#16]).
    • Changed the percentage that determines convergence for each of the scale domains. Previously, they
      all used 0.1%; now a sequence of decreasing percentages (1%, 0.1%, 0.01%) is used to reduce the
      program's run time (ticket [#24]).

Beta 4 Release

  • Released: 7 June 2010
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0b4-setup.exe
    • Added more checks on input parameters:
      • Post spacing must be positive (ticket [#21]).
      • Curvature threshold must be 0 or positive (ticket [#22]).
    • Fixed a bug where a thin plate spline calculation would fail because the spline's 3 control points
      lie in a vertical plane (ticket [#19]).

Beta 3 Release

  • Released: 4 May 2010
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0b3-setup.exe
    • Added a new type of output file: a CSV (comma separated values) file with ground points (ticket [#14]).
    • Increased the limit of passes per scale domain from 20 to 100, in order to increase convergence with large datasets (ticket [#13]).
    • Improved the error message that user sees when insufficient memory (ticket [#10]).

Beta 2 Release

  • Released: 3 April 2010
  • Download MCC-LIDAR-1.0b2-setup.exe
    • Fixed bugs where program crashed during pass 1 of scale domain 1 (tickets [#4], [#8]).
    • Fixed build errors with GCC 4.3.4 on Linux (ticket [#5]).
    • Fixed typo in help message (ticket [#1]).
    • Added --nonground-pts option to create output files with the points classified as non-ground by each pass.
    • Added --surfaces option to create ASCII Grid files with the raster surfaces interpolated by each pass.

Beta 1 Release


Tickets: #1
Tickets: #10
Tickets: #13
Tickets: #14
Tickets: #16
Tickets: #19
Tickets: #2
Tickets: #20
Tickets: #21
Tickets: #22
Tickets: #24
Tickets: #27
Tickets: #29
Tickets: #30
Tickets: #34
Tickets: #35
Tickets: #36
Tickets: #37
Tickets: #38
Tickets: #4
Tickets: #43
Tickets: #45
Tickets: #46
Tickets: #5
Tickets: #7
Tickets: #8
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