
#3 Windows XP - The system cannot execute the specified program

1.0 (b2)
XP (2)

Two users on Windows XP get the following error message when trying to run the program in the MCC-LIDAR Command prompt::

C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents>mcc-lidar --help
The system cannot execute the specified program.
2 Attachments


  • Edward Uebler

    Edward Uebler - 2009-12-09

    NOV 27 screen shot of Ed Ueblers MCC-LIDAR dependencies

  • Edward Uebler

    Edward Uebler - 2009-12-09

    On Novemebr 27 Ed Uebler tried to excute the program help and or just execute the program against a LAS file both failed to execute. It would not work the programer sent many of us certain updated microsoft windows os dll files in the hopes it would fix the problem. It did not on Ed's machine. In the attached files he ran a dependencies program and cpatured the screen shot of the what MCC-LIDAR uses.

    On December 8 Ed was loading software for a virtual course he was taking at RSAC that called Bonnies Tools these tools assist the user in mining data from large raster data sets and format the data to be used in statisiical anaylsis. The software were was written in Python for ARCGIS. he had loaded the tools in Septemebr sometime but had not had a chance to use it untill this course comming up. There were updates to the software and the instuctions said to unistall all the software first if you had previous versions. During the uninstall he noticed that one of the dll in the screen capture file the uninstall of PYTON reported that MSVCR71.dll was a shared program and did not appear to be needed do you want to delete. he remebered that this showed up on the dependencies report and told the uninstall program to dlete it and answered yes to all other shared programs that it wanted to delete. He then reinstalled all the PYTHON software and Bonnies tools and tested the MCC-LIDAR --help and against a las data file. The program now executes , the help information comes up but the program still crashes on the first pass on the smallest file he had whcih was 3,000KB. Screenshots of the dependencies tree before and after the problem ar in the attached files

  • Edward Uebler

    Edward Uebler - 2009-12-09

    December 9 Screen shot of MCC_lidar dependencies

  • Jimm Domingo

    Jimm Domingo - 2010-04-16
    • status changed from new to closed
    • resolution set to fixed
    • milestone set to 1.0 (b2)

    Closed ticket because no one's reported this problem with the 1.0 beta 2 release. Hopefully, revision r102 (including the required system libraries in the Windows installer) permanently eliminated this problem.



    Commit: [r102]

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