
Crash while sorting points

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-31

    Version:   1.0 (revision 187)
         OS:    WinXP 32bit
            Command Line:   mcc-lidar
    -s 1.5 -t 1.5 0089.las _0089.las
    LiDAR post-spacing:   30pts/m²
    Error:   Reading 211,004 points from '0089.las' …
           min X Y : 2068703.35 1296006.99
           max X Y : 2068999.99 1296999.99
      Searching for points with the same x,y coordinates…
            61,164 points classified as non-
      Identified 7,639 sets of unclassified duplicate points
      Scale domain: 1 (cell resolution: 0.04)
      SD 1 - Pass 1
            Interpolating 112,997 points:
            Sorting points into regions…


    Crashes regardless of number of points in LAS file (100k - 30M) or command
    line parameters used.
    What am I doing wrong?


  • Andrew Hudak

    Andrew Hudak - 2011-08-31

    Is there no error message associated with the crash? This sounds like the
    'silent' crash issue that sometimes happens on Windows machines, something to
    do with the Windows configuration, which can change. We haven't seen this
    happen on Mac OS or Linux to date, or you might try a different Windows
    computer with Windows 7. Another workaround is to split the tile up into
    smaller pieces, but it sounds like you've tried that, although I can't tell
    from your email if this is the only LAS file you've had problems with. I
    suspect the extreme point density of 30pts/m2 has increased the probability of
    this occurring. Is this terrestrial lidar?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-31

    Thanks for the quick response!

    The  message is the standard Windows application error dialog . . . "mcc-
    lidar.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for
    the inconvenience."

    I have tried several different machines (XP-32bit, XP-64bit, Windows7),
    several different LAS files of various sizes, all result with the same error
    being generated.

    All my test data was captured with an aerial sensor (helicopter).

    I didn't see anything in the docs pertaining to sensor type or point density.
    Is the point density an important factor? I really would like to use the full
    data set.

    I will thin the data and try again.
    Is there a maximum or recommended point density?

    Thanks for your assistance.

  • Andrew Hudak

    Andrew Hudak - 2011-09-01

    To my knowledge, this is the first time someone's tried to use MCC on lidar
    collected from a helicopter. It's extremely dense data, but I'm still
    optimistic because others have used it on terrestrial lidar which is at least
    as dense. Although a difference may be that the helicopter pulses may be much
    larger than from a ground lidar. What is the footprint size? Try dramatically
    reducing one or both parameters, especially the scale parameter, say to 0.2.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-09-08

    Sorry for not responding sooner.

    I think I have found a solution to the problem.

    There was some previously classified data in the LAS file.
    After reclassifying this data back to 'DEFAULT' , MCC works as expected.

    Your time and help has been appreciated.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-11-17

    I am having a similar issue with a ground-based LiDAR dataset. We are interested in removing grass from our scans so that we can have a true bare surface model of the ground.
    First we received an error message: insufficient memory; if applicable, use a larger post spacing.(Our s = 0.03 t= 0.01) I am using a computer with plenty of memory so I found that troubling. So I bumped the parameters up to s = 3, t=1 and the program crashed after it got to "Sorting points into regions..." I've attached JPEGs of the command prompt. Has any one had the same issue? Has anyone used MCC-LiDAR to "mow grass" from groun based LiDAR?
    Thank you!


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