
Crush mcc-lidar ith searching for points with the same x,y coordinates...

  • mustafa

    mustafa - 2015-06-26

    Dear all,

    I have used mcc v2.1 on few las files in windows platform. But some files are not running and giving an error.

    Searching for points with the same x,y coordinates ... Than mcc is stopping to run

    What is the reason for that? I know las file is the reason but why??



    Last edit: mustafa 2015-06-26
    • Andrew Hudak

      Andrew Hudak - 2015-06-27

      Perhaps you have a las file with too many duplicates? Every computer has memory limitations.

      From: mustafa []
      Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 3:13 PM
      To: [mcclidar:discussion]
      Subject: [mcclidar:discussion] Crush mcc-lidar ith searching for points with the same x, y coordinates...

      dear all,

      I have used mcc v2.1 on few las files in windows platform. But some files are not running and giving an error.

      Searhing for points with the same x,y coordinates ... Than mcc is stopping to run

      What is the reason for that? I know las file is the reason but why??


      Crush mcc-lidar ith searching for points with the same x,y coordinates...

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      • mustafa

        mustafa - 2015-06-27

        Dear Hudak,

        Thank you for fast reply. Yes, I've missed this issue. I've thought the voxel grid could sort of it before mcc process and filtered point cloud from noisy and duplicated points. After I've used space re-sampling point cloud again and it is ok now.

        I am using mcc for UAV point clouds and giving good results for non-ground objects.




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