
Program crashes while searching for points with the same x, y coordinates

  • Justin Donahue

    Justin Donahue - 2019-04-18


    I have been working with multiple different las datasets (about 20). I have been able to successfully run the program for all but one. The program is crashing as it searches for points with the same x, y coordinates.

    mcc-lidar -s 1.0 -t 0.1 47117D5409.las mccD5409.las
    Reading 12,090,309 points from "47117D5409.las"
    min X Y : 460395.94 5251132.02
    max X Y : 461348.01 5252527.45
    Searching for points with the same x, y coordiantes....
    (It crashes here)
    mcc-lidar has stopped working window appears

    I have been able to display the raw data on GIS without any coordinate system issue. I am wondering what the issue is and how I may go about resolving it.


  • Steve

    Steve - 2019-04-18

    If you are using the 32-bit version of mcc-lidar found here it's possible that you are running out of memory as 32-bit apps can only address up to 4GB of RAM no matter how much RAM you have installed in your PC. How many points are in the other files that you successfully processed?

  • Justin Donahue

    Justin Donahue - 2019-04-18

    The other files are approximately the same size, some slighty more. I was able to successfully run the program for about 5 las files after getting this error, so I would think that memory isn't a problem. But then again computer processing is a bit outside of my knowledge so maybe it is a memory issue?

    • Steve

      Steve - 2019-04-18

      I've compiled a 64-bit version of mcc-lidar that is unreleased. If you can send me a download link to your LAS file I'll see if this 64-bit version chokes on it as well. If it fails I have 2 other tools for classifying ground returns that work well. One is based on PDAL and the other is based on the CSF method here:

      If the 64-bit version of mcc-lidar fails, I'll use one of my other tools toclassify your file at no charge. Email me a download link to:

  • Justin Donahue

    Justin Donahue - 2019-04-18

    I have emailed you. Thank you!


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