Activity for MCC-LIDAR

  • Joe Feyder Joe Feyder posted a comment on discussion Help

    So I ran a 187MB file, with about 10M points (UAV Lidar w/ 200PPSM), with the default settings of -s 1.5 -t 0.3, and it took just over an hour. It looks like it did an amazing job! I could probably back the setting off to -s 5.0 -t 1.0 since this is not a metric data set. I'll give it a go.

  • Joe Feyder Joe Feyder posted a comment on discussion Help

    What is the estimated maximum file size, in terms of points or disc file size, for using the default -s 1.5 -t 0.3. I have a 618MB file with 32M points (UAV Lidar w/ 200PPSM). My test runs on smaller files looks great. Thank you!

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Potentially yes, if the scale parameter you input is largely out of range. You could take a look at the example. You might also try splitting your tile into smaller tiles.

  • Gxxxxxxx Gxxxxxxx posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does the input parameters have an impact on the processing speed? It takes me a long time to process a 280Mb LAS file. Thank you for your reply

  • Justin Donahue Justin Donahue posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have emailed you. Thank you!

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've compiled a 64-bit version of mcc-lidar that is unreleased. If you can send me a download link to your LAS file I'll see if this 64-bit version chokes on it as well. If it fails I have 2 other tools for classifying ground returns that work well. One is based on PDAL and the other is based on the CSF method here: If the 64-bit version of mcc-lidar fails, I'll use one of my other tools toclassify your file at no charge. Email me a download...

  • Justin Donahue Justin Donahue posted a comment on discussion Help

    The other files are approximately the same size, some slighty more. I was able to successfully run the program for about 5 las files after getting this error, so I would think that memory isn't a problem. But then again computer processing is a bit outside of my knowledge so maybe it is a memory issue?

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you are using the 32-bit version of mcc-lidar found here it's possible that you are running out of memory as 32-bit apps can only address up to 4GB of RAM no matter how much RAM you have installed in your PC. How many points are in the other files that you successfully processed?

  • Justin Donahue Justin Donahue posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been working with multiple different las datasets (about 20). I have been able to successfully run the program for all but one. The program is crashing as it searches for points with the same x, y coordinates. mcc-lidar -s 1.0 -t 0.1 47117D5409.las mccD5409.las Reading 12,090,309 points from "47117D5409.las" min X Y : 460395.94 5251132.02 max X Y : 461348.01 5252527.45 Searching for points with the same x, y coordiantes.... (It crashes here) mcc-lidar has stopped working window appears...

  • Nina Hofer Nina Hofer posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I cant open the exe, i get an error that theres a dll file missing (MSVCR71), i tried re installation a couple of times already. Can anybody help? Thanks.

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Sorry for the trouble William, but I'm also a Windows user. You are correct that others who use linux or Mac have succeeded in building and version and installing. Are any of you out there willing to contribute your build please, and perhaps posting a link to it on this Discussion page? Thanks, Andy Hudak

  • William Currier William Currier posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I am trying to use the MCC-LIDAR on a mac or a linux machine but each time I download the MCC-LIDAR-2.1-setup.exe (or previous versions) it is only a Microsoft Windows application. Reading the discussion, it appears there are working linux and macintosh versions. This is also confirmed within the wiki. How may these be downloaded? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, William Currier

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    GUI for MCC-LIDAR is no longer freeware. You can learn more about this and my other apps at:

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    You may find that PDAL is a better solution for you. It offers 2 methods for ground classification (SMRF and PMF) and it is significantly faster than MCC-LIDAR, already has 64-bit binaries ready for use and tt also supports compressed LAZ files. You can download and install it via OS4GEO here: Its command line can be challenging which is why I wrote a GUI for it:

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    The CMAKE/Visual Studio route is the easiest Avoid cygwin unless you're well versed in Linux and makefiles. The only thing that might slow you down are the dependencies. It requires 64-bit builds of Boost and liblas. Other than that, the build process was point-and-click once CMAKE had generated the Visual Studio solution file. You may find that PDAL is a better solution for you. It offers 2 methods for ground classification (SMRF and PMF) and it is significantly faster than MCC-LIDAR, already has...

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    The CMAKE/Visual Studio route is the easiest Avoid cygwin unless you're well versed in Linux and makefiles. The only thing that might slow you down are the dependencies. It requires 64-bit builds of Boost and liblas. Other than that, the build process was point-and-click once CMAKE had generated the Visual Studio solution file. You may find that PDAL is a better solution for you. It offers 2 methods for ground classification (SMRF and PMF) and it significantly faster than MCC-LIDAR. It also supports...

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    The CMAKE/Visual Studio route is the easiest The only thing that might slow you down are the dependencies. It requires 64-bit builds of Boost and liblas. Other than that, the build process was point-and-click once CMAKE had generated the Visual Studio solution file. You may find that PDAL is a better solution for you. It offers 2 methods for ground classification (SMRF and PMF) and it significantly faster than MCC-LIDAR. It also supports compressed LAZ files too.

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    The CMAKE/Visual Studio route is the easiest The only thing that might slow you down are the dependencies. It requires 64-bit builds of Boost and liblas. Other than that, the build process was point-and-click once CMAKE had generated the Visual Studio solution file.

  • mtree mtree posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Steve. I'm inexperienced in Visual Studio/cygwin although perhaps I need to play around with it. I have tiled my data and am running parallel batch commands...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't have immediate plans to release a 64-bit PC build, but that would be great. Would you be interested in contributing it, Steve? You would of course be given credit for providing it.

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    A 64-bit build is quite easy if you have basic development skills in either Visual Studio or cygwin. I've compiled a 64-bit version for Windows and a GUI interface which makes things much nicer. I've also written another classification GUI for PDAL, also 64-bit. Here's a link to a video of the PDAL classification tool: And here's the thread about the MCC-LIDAR GUI with screenshot: See my other tools...

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    A 64-bit build is quite easy if you have basic development skills in either Visual Studio or cygwin. I've compiled a 64-bit version for Windows and a GUI interface which makes things much nicer. I've also written another classification GUI for PDAL, also 64-bit. Here's a link to a video of the PDAL classification tool: And here's the thread about the MCC-LIDAR GUI with screenshot: See my other tools...

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    A 64-bit build is quite easy if you have basic development skills in either Visual Studio or cygwin. I've compiled a 64-bit version for Windows and a GUI interface which makes things much nicer. I've also written another classification GUI for PDAL, also 64-bit. Here's a link to a video of the PDAL classification tool: See my other tools at:

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    A 64-bit build is quite easy if you have basic development skills in either Visual Studio or cygwin. I've compiled a 64-bit version for Windows and a GUI interface which makes things much nicer. I've also written another classification GUI for PDAL, also 64-bit. Here's a link to a video of the PDAL classification tool: See my other tools at:

  • Michelle Filiatrault Michelle Filiatrault posted a comment on discussion Help

    Any plans to release mcc-lidar for 64bit PC? I have lots of memory available on my PC but mcc-lidar deems insufficent memory...

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    For all you lazy typists, I've written a GUI interface for MCC-LIDAR for both Windows (64-bit only) and OSX. You can download the Windows version here: If you're interested in the OSX version, contact me thru my website here: http:/

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    For all you lazy typists, I've written a GUI interface for MCC-LIDAR for both Windows (64-bit only) and OSX. You can download the Windows version here: If you're interested in the OSX version, contact me thru my website here: http:/

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    For all you lazy typists, I've written a GUI interface for MCC-LIDAR for both Windows (64-bit only) and OSX. You can download the Windows version here: [(] If you're interested in the OSX version, contact me thru my website here: [(http:/]

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    For all yu lazy typists, I've written a GUI interface for MCC-LIDAR for both Windows (64-bit only) and OSX. You can download the Windows version here: [(] If you're interested in the OSX version, contact me thru my website here: [(http:/]

  • Steve Steve modified a comment on discussion Help

    I've written a GUI interface for MCC-LIDAR for both Windows (64-bit only) and OSX. You can download the Windows version here: [(] If you're interested in the OSX version, contact me thru my website here: [(http:/]

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've written a GUI interface for MCC-LIDAR for both Windows (64-bit only) and OSX. You can download the Windows version here: If you're interested in the OSX version, contact me thru my website here:

  • Steve Steve posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is LAZ support planned for future releases? If so, is there a timeline on when it can be expected? Thanks

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've attached the missing MSVCR71.dll file for those Windows users who may need to...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    This sounds like a Windows problem unrelated to MCC-LIDAR. I Googled 'MSVCR71.dll'...

  • Amritha Amritha posted a comment on discussion Help

    I tried to run Mcc-lidar in my Windows 10 OS. Throws the following error "The program...

  • Jangla Mangla Jangla Mangla modified a comment on discussion Help

    Well, this is embarrassing... it turns out it´s not just typing "mcc-lidar" and all...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just as the error message says, you are not supplying the needed parameter after...

  • Jangla Mangla Jangla Mangla posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, this is embarrassing... it turns out it´s not just typing "mcc-lidar" and all...

  • Cutberto Cutberto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi J. Type the following to see usage: mcc-lidar --help This is an example with spacing...

  • Jangla Mangla Jangla Mangla posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Congratulations in advance for your great work, and thank you for offering this...

  • Cutberto Cutberto modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all I believe that line 116 of SurfaceInterpolation.cpp should look like this...

  • Cutberto Cutberto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Andy f is the tension (or regularization) parameter for TPS. In the MCC paper...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Cut, What is "f"? Andy From: Cutberto [] Sent: Monday,...

  • Cutberto Cutberto modified a comment on discussion Help

    Admin: Remove this post please, I created it by mistake. Thanks!

  • Cutberto Cutberto modified a comment on discussion Help

    Admin: Remove this post please, I created it by mistake.

  • Cutberto Cutberto modified a comment on discussion Help

  • Cutberto Cutberto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all I believe that line 116 of SurfaceInterpolation.cpp should look like this...

  • Cutberto Cutberto posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all I believe that line 116 of SurfaceInterpolation.cpp should look like this...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Excellent! Very glad to hear it. From: mustafa [] Sent:...

  • mustafa mustafa posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Hudak, Thank you for fast reply. Yes, I've missed this issue. I've thought the...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Perhaps you have a las file with too many duplicates? Every computer has memory limitations....

  • mustafa mustafa modified a comment on discussion Help

    Dear all, I have used mcc v2.1 on few las files in windows platform. But some files...

  • mustafa mustafa posted a comment on discussion Help

    dear all, I have used mcc v2.1 on few las files in windows platform. But some files...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    You only typed "mcc-lidar" and nothing else? You need to provide the scale and curvature...

  • Larrache Larrache posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm new in mcc-lidar and I have a problem When I start the MCC-LIDAR Command...

  • karl karl created ticket #50

    processing speed in windows

  • cdoublen cdoublen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Joe & Andrew Thanks for your suggestions. I have additional questions. 1. What is...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Megan, Sorry for the slow reply. Others have compiled and run mcc-lidar successfully...

  • Megan Kress Megan Kress posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am also having trouble running mcc-lidar on Ubuntu. Has anyone done so successfully?...

  • Andrew Hudak Andrew Hudak posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Clarence, Yes, I agree with Joe, that's a very big file. You might try the lassplit...

  • Joe Boardman Joe Boardman posted a comment on discussion Help

    You'll probably need to tile data that big. On 1/23/2015 4:31 PM, cdoublen wrote:...

  • cdoublen cdoublen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Good day all I'm a beginner using this very good software. I have been looking for...

  • Molly Smith Molly Smith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Okay, so I tiled my .las file and am using batch command...this looks like it is...

  • Molly Smith Molly Smith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is what I am getting. Note even a post spacing of "1000" is not large enough...

  • Molly Smith Molly Smith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello all! First off, I have to warn you that I am very new to lidar filtering (and...

  • Paul Paul posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello! I am having a similar issue with a ground-based LiDAR dataset. We are interested...