
Tree [r571] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 JBossFiles 2009-07-27 jwb225 [r47] Added new theme for JBoss along with directions...
 docs 2010-07-07 abaranovski [r539] comments from GG
 includes 2010-05-17 abaranovski [r494] enable incremental build of the McasPortlet.war...
 lib 2010-05-20 ted242 [r503] Update jsr version.
 modules 2011-04-13 paragmhashilkar [r571] Updated the steps and plotting info for REX Demo
 testing 2010-05-27 ted242 [r524] Tests that demo and check NTAF functions.
 README.txt 2010-05-12 abaranovski [r469] few clarifications 2010-02-18 ted242 [r367] Build files for servlets.
 build.xml 2010-05-17 abaranovski [r494] enable incremental build of the McasPortlet.war...
 config.xml 2010-05-17 ted242 [r490] Cruisecontrol configuration script. Start it with

Read Me

The MCAS Project ( Metrics Correlation and Analysis service ) provides integral solution for system operators or VO users to uniformly access, transform and correlate disjoint data sources or metrics. As part of the goal to correlate and summarize information, the scope of the project also includes tools and services for efficient refactoring of existing informational portals.

Env variables required for building entire project:
JBOSS_HOME , example  /home/abaranov/jboss-portal-2.7.0.GA
BERKELEY_DB , example  /home/abaranov/dbxml-2.5.13/install

(unfortunately, build process requires exact, dbxml-2.5.13 version of BerkleyDB )


Note that admin,warehouse,services.mule targets implicitly depend on
unpack.Thus in order to build admin,warehouse,services.mule targets
incrementally, unpack target must be invoked by hand once after svn co. 

Mule transformers are built under services.mule target.
build scripts will create build directory where all war, sar and jar files
will be placed at the directory root level
ant deploy target will unpack mule into build/rpm directory, compile and
deploy all work flow and warehouse related codes such that build/rpm can be packaged into
functioning rpm target - workflow engine, warehouse and data source api frontends

** Installation of the Mule based data WareHouse 

- deploy the berkeley db on a system directory 
download the source code, e.g. for v2.5.13, from

Follow the build instruction. In short, from the untarred directory, do
> ./ --enable-debug --prefix=/scratch/dbxml-2.5.13/ --enable-java 
This will install the code in /scratch/dbxml-2.5.13/

ant deploy

cd build/rpm/

. ./

data-source-admin --add=./bin/testInput.ds &

Write a table with
> curl --data-binary @./tbl.xml http://localhost:9090/test/Input/Sink
Where tbl.xml is a file like

Get the latest document
> curl http://localhost:9090/test/Input/Get

Query the whole table with
> curl --data-binary '_doc_//table' 'http://localhost:9091/xmldb/query/Input'

Query all 
> curl --data-binary '_doc_/p/table/row/cell[ . = "andrew" and position() = 1 ]/..' 'http://localhost:9091/xmldb/query/Input'

** Building and testing of the Data Source Admin tool
- Modify the setup script to point to your installation of the products.
See documentation in the script itself for details of what to change

- Source

- From the root of the MCAS distribution:
> ant admin
The mcas-data-source-admin.jar is stored at modules/admin/lib/
Should you want to change the amount of debugging output information, edit 

- Run the test of the tool. 
-- Edit and customize the configuration file at $MCAS_DS_ADMIN_CONFIG
-- Create the directory for the local file system storage (to store 
transformation and validation files)
-- From the root of the MCAS distribution:
> cd modules/admin/test/
> ./ -clean # NOTE: clean up ALL files in the database